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Why male models? 7 reasons why swimmers make great underwear models

Aussie swimwear label Funky Trunks decided to do some investigative journalism to see how the boys fair when stuck in front of a camera. Call us biased but when the cap and goggles come off, male swimmers make for some fine models that would rival their contemporaries on a catwalk in Paris, New York or Milan. At the risk of stroking some egos, that don’t need any further stroking, here’s seven reasons why.

The body

A male swimmer is best known for his body. Hours of training – heart rate sets, max effort sprints, chin ups, dips and core work – all in the pursuit of chiselled abs and stunning features, and possibly a spot on the Rio 2016 team.

Kurt Herzog wears Funky Trunks Underwear in Inca Icon.

Kurt Herzog wears Funky Trunks Underwear in Inca Icon.

The Uniform

It’s safe to say swimmers spend half their life, half naked. Although not something worth noting on the resume, male swimmers develop a rare skill of feeling completely at ease wearing only the bare essentials. Put a swimmer under studio lights in his underwear and he’ll just think they’ve turned the competition lights on at the pool.

Morning Starts

Wherever a swimmer goes in life, he will never be perturbed by an early start time. Whether he’s pressing the flesh in the corporate world or showing some flesh for a photo shoot, a swimmer will never complain about getting there on time, just make sure there is plenty of food there for him to eat.

Tomas wears Bad Boy Boxer and Kurt wears Rainbow Racer from the Funky Trunks Underwear range.

Tomas wears Bad Boy Boxer and Kurt wears Rainbow Racer from the Funky Trunks Underwear range.

The Poses

Observing dive starts at squad practice is like watching a catwalk audition with a bit of diving and swimming in between. Whether they admit to it or not, the guys love a good poolside strut which has taken years to perfect. Just stick a camera on pool deck and you’ve got your shot Annie Leibovitz.

The Body

Did we already mention the body? As someone famous once said, “moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.” A male swimmer is the closest thing to a merman that exists and with their sun-kissed skin (for those lucky enough to train outdoors) and muscles shaped by hours of hard work (not just from pumping iron), there’ll be more abs than crew on the shoot.

Kurt poses in his new Funky Trunks Underwear in Splatterfied

Kurt poses in his new Funky Trunks Underwear in Splatterfied

The Attitude

For a professional model a photo shoot is work, for a swimmer it’s the ultimate pamper session. Where else do you get manicured and fussed over, fed when you’re hungry and told to rest when you’re tired? Definitely not at practice!

Self Promotion

When your swimming days are done and you’re ready to take on the next mammoth goal in life, just sometimes you may need to call on those skills you developed all through your swimming career. It’s not the perseverance or dedication, nor the ability to handle extraordinary pressure. It is of course the strut. When your new venture requires shameless self promotion to make it in the big wide world, sometimes the only answer is to get your gear off again.

Mel re-enacts his 1995 shoot for The Charlotte Observer and builds the profile of Gold Medal Mel and the SwimSwam network (courtesy of The Charlotte Observer)

Mel re-enacts his 1995 shoot for The Charlotte Observer and builds the profile of Gold Medal Mel and the SwimSwam network (courtesy of The Charlotte Observer)

Iconic Australian swimwear brand Funky Trunks has launched an underwear range modelled by swimmers in its sponsored athlete program the F-Team. Just like the swimwear, the popular underwear is known for its bright prints and VERY comfortable fit. They call it the Happy Nutsack. Try it out for yourself to see why!

Follow Funky Trunks on Twitter here.

Follow Funky Trunks on Instagram here.

Like Funky Trunks on Facebook here. 

See the Funky Trunks range on here.

See the Funkita range on here.

Swimming News is courtesy of Funky Trunks, a SwimSwam ad partner.

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Freds got slack
8 years ago

Please stop objectifying men k thanks

8 years ago

Can I recommend Conor Dwyer/Nathan Adrian

Emma Watson (Hermione)
9 years ago

So hot! These men help me make my polyjuice potion…. if you know what I mean 😉 Hopefully my love charm will work on these men. #wingardiumleviosa

9 years ago

But why male models?

Reply to  coacherik
9 years ago

hahaha that was on tv the other day, caught that part and cant help but laugh.

Reply to  coacherik
9 years ago

I can’t turn left!

9 years ago

Sweet physique. And cool undies. Anyone know if you can buy these in the U.S?

Reply to  Jonno
9 years ago

Online or check out the store locator. Thats how I found them!

9 years ago

Dang! Those aussies know how to wear swim cossies.

9 years ago

Melvin look at you! Next Funky Trunks model please

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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