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Vote for the Russian Swimming Federation’s People’s Choice Awards

The All-Russian Swimming Federation (WWF) has opened up voting for its “people’s choice”-style awards at the Fifth Annual WWF Awards in St. Petersburg on December 17th.

The nominees for the awards, coined the “Apollo” and “Aphrodite” awards for male and female athletes, respectively, were selected according to their performances in national and international competitions this year. Voting is currently taking place on Facebook and European social networking site Vkontakte.

The Vkontakte voting link for the Apollo Award for male athletes is linked here, and the Aphrodite Award for female athletes is linked here. The Facebook post is also embedded below. You can vote by commenting your favorite on the post. (We’ve included the Russian below in case you’d like to copy/paste).

#Премия_ВФП_2016, #плавание_голосованиеГолосование на приз зрительских симпатий "Аполлон водных дорожек – 2016" и "…

Posted by Всероссийская Федерация Плавания on Tuesday, December 6, 2016


1. Абросимов Кирилл (ЗМС, ОВ) Kirill Abrosimov
2. Морозов Владимир (ЗМС) Vladimir Morozov
3. Красных Александр (МСМК) Aleksander Krasnykh
4. Пригода Кирилл (МСМК) Cyril Prigoda
5. Чупков Антон (ЗМС) Anton Chupkov
6. Рылов Евгений (ЗМС) Evgeny Rylov
7. Дратцев Евгений (ЗМС, ОВ) Evgeny Drattsev
8. Хоменко Илья (МСМК) Ilya Khomenko
9. Садовников Александр (МСМК)Aleksandr Sadovnikov
10. Тарасевич Григорий (МСМК) Grigory Tarasevich


1. Крапивина Анастасия (МСМК) Anastasia Krapivina
2. Попова Вероника (ЗМС) Veronika Popova
3. Фесикова Анастасия (ЗМС) Anastasia Fesikova
4. Андреева Виктория (МСМК) Viktoria Andreeva
5. Ефимова Юлия (ЗМС) Yulia Efimova
6. Козыдуб Ольга (МСМК, ОВ) Olga Kozydub
7. Чимрова Светлана (МСМК) Svetlana Chimrova
8. Насретдинова Розалия (МСМК) Rosalia Nasretdinova
9. Андреева Софья (МСМК) Sofia Andreeva
10. Устинова Дарья К. (МСМК) Daria Ustinova

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8 years ago

That word has been thrown around so much I mean. Folks are numb to it.

8 years ago

Donald trump racist ????.
That waord has been thrown around souch that it has lost it,s meaning and effectiveness. MAGA.

At least the US avoided ww3 with Clinton.

8 years ago

I am doing a write in . Donat Trumpski . To extend my fun I am contributing $1 to the Yillya SS Stein gofundme for the recount .

bobo gigi
8 years ago

Funny that on an American website there’s an article to encourage people to vote for a Russian intern affair. It’s relatively new.
But sorry, I forgot that USA was annexed by Russia. 🙂
They have already placed their new agent in White House. The next target is France in May 2017. And there will be at least 3 candidates to defend Russian interests.
That’s hilarious. We already knew that the next US President was illegitimate (USA is the only democracy where you can win a presidential election with less votes than your opponent, around 2 million in that case). We already knew he was a liar. We already knew he was racist. We already knew he was… Read more »

Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

I love you bobo

Lane Four
Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

I give you 1,000 thumbs up for telling the truth.

Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

BoBo biting on the fake news and disillusioned into thinking the US wants anything to do with France

Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

The sooner we accept we are on a new paradigm the better . We’ve seen the USSR dissolve overnight in our lifetimes & it will be no surprise to the world if th e US goes the same way . Your choice & like the 15 new nations everyone will live to see another day . They could even put out a few top swim teams .

I can see 3- 4 just follwing the election results . JUST DO IT .

8 years ago


swimmer 2
8 years ago

I’m surprised “pill bottle” and “syringe” aren’t options…

Lace Armstrong
8 years ago

Why not include the Lance Armstrong award?

8 years ago

Do ya think PEOTUS Trump won the People’s Choice Award from Russian voters? Or was it just the hackers?

Too soon? Sorry. Couldn’t help myself with a story containing the words “Russian” and “vote” in the headline…

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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