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USMS: “Armstrong is Not Eligible to Race in USMS Competitions”

In what should wrap up the news on the Lance Armstrong/Masters Swimming, U.S. Masters Swimming sent out a release confirming their position that Lance Armstrong is not eligible for Masters competitions.

See Also:

The full press release can be read below.

Lance Armstrong is not eligible to race in U.S. Masters Swimming competitions.

The former competitive cyclist has been a member of U.S. Masters Swimming for several years. The spirit and purpose of USMS is to encourage adults to swim.

USMS is affiliated with FINA (Federation Internationale de Natacion) through United States Aquatic Sports.

When we became aware that Mr. Armstrong entered the 2013 South Central Zone Championship in Austin, Texas, April 5–7, a local event sanctioned by USMS, we contacted United States Aquatic Sports and FINA to clarify our responsibilities in this case. The event in question is conducted in a 25-yard pool, a non-Olympic course not contested on the international stage.

After discussion with United States Aquatic Sports and FINA, it was agreed that although Mr. Armstrong is eligible for membership in U.S. Masters Swimming, he is not currently eligible to compete in sanctioned swimming competitions, regardless of the type of course.

The World Anti-Doping Agency has banned Mr. Armstrong from competition. FINA accepts the WADA Code and USMS, as a member of United States Aquatic Sports, recognizes and respects adjudications under the Code.

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Felipe Delgado
11 years ago

So, why doesn’t Lance just go and kill himself! Unbelievable that USMS would not allow him to compete. USMS stands for swimming in its purest form; swimming to stay in shape, promote health and to make lifelong friends. Oh yeah, it also involves a minimal level of competition that at the end, doesn’t really mean much besides personal glory! Lance has his demons that he will live with for the rest of his life and I am sure that he is well into the “acceptance” stage of recovery and would not consider further hurting his health or reputation by continuing with a practice that was all but commonplace in the cycling world. I wonder if USMS is worried that his… Read more »

Reply to  Felipe Delgado
11 years ago

Let the man swim! Test him if he sets a WR, ban him from swimming if he fails that test.
No harm done letting him swim/compete in low level stuff like USMS. It’ll help grow the SPORT!
Any USMS publicity is good publicity in this case.

Obviously Lance is/was a bad guy with questionable morals, FINA/USMS should ask him to do a PSA or something but banning him for these events doesn’t make sense to me.

Jason Zajonc
Reply to  Jeff
11 years ago

Let him swim. What has the world come to? We give second chances to so many athletes….he would bring light to masters swimming just like he did to biking and cancer…last time I watch was when lemond was racing then lance….

11 years ago

Lance Armstrong is a man who lied repeatedly while destroying others’ reputations and their careers. He was supposed to be a clean inspiration to everyone out there, and yet he was cheating the entire time. This “man” has no integrity whatsoever, and so I will never respect him again. He does not deserve to compete. I happen to have a profound love for swimming, and would not like to see Lance ruining its name.

11 years ago

The answer to the question as to why these shenanigans are going on in our wonderful sport is simple. Lance pissed off and thumbed his nose at a lot of people and now he is reaping what he has sewn. It doesn’t have a thing to do with cheating. It has to do with “EGO”. His and the egos he trampled on. The crime isn’t as damning as the self-righteous cover up. He went after lots of people for years and years and now those people are going to go after him.

I ain’t sayin’ it’s right. But I understand.

Reply to  ALV
11 years ago

What’s disturbing is that USA Swimming (I know for sure) and I’m sure the rest of them do the same thing – they twist, ignore, make-up rules to fit their own agendas. Don’t be fooled – it could happen to anyone. They have ways of squeezing eligible athletes out of competition. They have ways to ruin lives, ruin careers, ruin goals, ruin relationships, etc. Although many feel that Armstrong deserves it, it also happens to innocent people.
These organizations are no better than Armstrong. Wasn’t it the USADA who held on to Jessica Hardy’s positive test which kept Kirk out of the Olympics?

Armstrong is in good standing as a member of USMS and as a member should get… Read more »

Reply to  Victim
11 years ago

The USMS Executive Director lied to the Associated Press! And you’re saying the organization isn’t corrupt? (ROFL!!)

Reply to  Bill Volckening
11 years ago

I don’t know if USMS is corrupt or not. This story makes me think that maybe they are too.

What a Joke
11 years ago

Just read a New York times article – Jim Wood, president of United States Aquatic Sports, said he had been contacted by USA Swimming, which had been notified of Armstrong’s entry in the meet by the United States Anti-Doping Agency. The Anti-doping agency wanted to make sure that Armstrong’s lifetime ban was upheld. Wood reached out to FINA to determine how to proceed. Wood said he contacted Butcher – USMS – about the potential problem.

Why didn’t the USADA contact USMS directly? Sounds fishy to me!

Bill Volckening
Reply to  What a Joke
11 years ago

The real question is: why did Rob Butcher lie about contacting USAS when it was really the other way around?

What a Joke
Reply to  Bill Volckening
11 years ago

According to the New York Times: “There was some confusion on Rob’s part, but we straightened everything out this morning” Wood Said.

Armstrong is serving a lifetime ban from Olympic Sports. The 500, 1000, and 1650 yard events are not Olympic events. Swims from USMS will not get anyone on the Olympic Team or National team or even into a USA Swimming age group meet. I suppose they can cover their asses by double sanctioning USMS meets with USA Swimming.

Don't Buy It
Reply to  What a Joke
11 years ago

Is this the same Jim Wood who use to be the President of USA Swimming? I would of loved to hear those conversations.

Don't Buy It
11 years ago

I’m sure Armstrong’s attorneys are having a field day with this. This just might be the proof Lance needs to reopen his suit against the USADA. In fact, maybe Lance entered knowing they would do whatever was necessary to keep him from competing.

USMS should not allow FINA, WADA and USADA to control them. USMS is not part of the USOC and they have no drug testing. USMS should follow their own rules and regulations and not give in. The purpose of USAS is to represent USMS on an international basis, therefore I can understand if Armstrong was not allowed to compete internationally.
Basically, USMS is signaling out Armstrong. What about the sex offenders who knowingly move between… Read more »

11 years ago

Is there prize money or sponsorships given to Masters swimmers? I thought this was just swimming for the love of the sport and freindships like age group swimming is for the younger kids?

If there is no financial gain and there is no formal doping program for the USMS (I would guess many of the older folks are taking meds that fall into some catagory so it would be hard to regulate) why does WADA or FINA or any one care if he competes in a completely different sport? People need to move on with thier lives. He has done a lot of good with his fame give him a break.

11 years ago

It may be the end of the media coverage, but there’s still that minor, nagging detail about Rob Butcher publicly courting Lance Armstrong and using social media to invite Armstrong to compete. As long as U.S. Masters Swimming maintains its current leadership, the organization will have a distant relationship with ethics.

11 years ago

I can see why USMS would not want him to compete – it brings unwanted negative attention to the organization – and I agree that as a matter or principle proven cheaters should not be allowed to compete. But there’s no antidoping testing done for any masters swimming competitions, including FINA-sanctioned international events, to the best of my knowledge. Does anyone really believe that there are no masters swimmers doping in USMS (or FINA masters) competitions? This seems somewhat hypocritical.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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