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USA Swimming Revises “B” Standards for Orlando Grand Prix

The first meet in a new line of Grand Prix stops in Orlando, Florida will already be in the midst of some minor controversy before its even begun. On Monday, the same day that USA Swimming released the much-shortened start lists for the Austin Grand Prix, they also announced a revision to the “b” qualifying standards for the next stop that will run February 14th-16th in Orlando.

See the Orlando standards here.
See the general series standards here.

The new ramped-up time standards in 2012-2013 are a part of an effort by USA Swimming to increase the “eliteness” of the Grand Prix Series, but with the Austin meet (this coming weekend), it swung the pendulum a bit too far with some events having as few as 7 entries. A huge factor in this is the fact that many or most of the qualifying swimmers are in college, and college the “A” standard “B” standard system doesn’t mesh well for these meets in a college season.

The February meet in Orlando will run into the same issues, as college teams will be ramping up for their conference championship meets; and there will be even more conflicts for the few eligible high school swimmers; many of whom will be in their high school championship seasons.

The changes are significant, though not massive. In the men’s 100 free, for example, the standard for yards went from a 46.49 to a 48.39.

These cuts, as of yet, have not been extended to other meets after Orlando. The remaining events in the series:

January 18-20, 2013 USA Swimming Grand Prix, Austin, TX – LC
February 15-17, 2013 USA Swimming Grand Prix, Orlando, FL– LC
April 11-13, 2013 USA Swimming Grand Prix, Mesa, AZ – LC
May 9-12, 2013 USA Swimming Grand Prix, Charlotte, NC – LC
May 30-June 2, 2013 USA Swimming Grand Prix, Santa Clara, CA – LC

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12 years ago

If the meets are not filling up why not have c standards such as y national cuts so that you can fill up the meet?

12 years ago

Is the date for Mesa Grand Prix April 18-20 like it is listed above or is it April 11-13 like it is listed on the USA-S site?

12 years ago

the best parts about this meet is so kids can get a chance to watch olympians swim. I go 45 now in my 100 free, but when i was 17 I was 50 point and I feel like I got so much out of swimming at the same meet and watching and learning from some of the modern day greats. If size is a concern then only allow the slower times from within the LSC

12 years ago

If time standards were based off 2012 grand prix meets, it was probably not a wise decision. Swimmers had the goal of making the OTT standards. I don’t see the flury of trying to make the World Champ standards in 2013. I believe more studies need to be done on the needs of the swimming community. The “one size fits all” premise does not work. Looser time standards during the winter and tighter standards during summer might be more appropriate.

12 years ago

florida high school champs were in november so i would guess there will be a decent turnout of younger swimmers. not sure about the colleges in the state.

12 years ago

Its hard to read, especially after the talk of grassroots development when swimmers in those areas cannot participate in these meets. USA-S is falling flat on its face.

If this meet were held at this time in our LSC (Midwestern Swimming, Nebraska, most likely in Omaha), there would be little turn out because this weekend is right between HS conference and state championships. Aside from top end age groupers and a handful of HSers who don’t swim HS, this meet would not be viable in our area.


Why not look at having these A standards and then look at using the B standard for teams within the LSC. You want to make a impact on the local swimming, allow… Read more »

12 years ago

Many states have their high school championships the same weekend as the Orlando meet.

12 years ago

Are you serious?! I have got 4 of those times now! Good job USA swimming!!

Reply to  danm133
12 years ago

a little late, eh?

Reply to  korn
12 years ago

Unfortunately yes

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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