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Olivier Leroy

7 Fun Facts About Age Group Swimming Plateaus

Ah yes, the joys of peaking or plateauing! Here’s what swimmers and swim parents need to know about the dreaded age group swimming plateau.


Pro Tip: How to Power Up Your Self-Talk This Season

You probably already know how powerful motivational and positive self-talk can be for swimming like a boss. Here’s a way to make your self-talk even stronger.


5 Ways Swim Coaches Can Develop Mentally Tougher Swimmers

Here are five things swim coaches can start doing today to help develop swimmers that are mentally tough and who are more likely to enjoy the process.

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6 Things Swimmers Can Do for More Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is a life skill swimmers can use far beyond the lane lines. Here are some ways to supercharge how tough you are between your ears.

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Why You Should Always Finish Strong

How you finish matters. Here’s why you should adopt a mindset of always finishing to the best of your ability at practice and in life.


One of the Best Resources for New Swim Parents are in the Stands with You

For the new swim parent, the sport can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, one of your best resources is already in the stands with you.

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How to Stay Mentally Sharp as You Get Back into Training at the Pool

As pools reopen and practices begin, here are some tips for getting back into the swing of things with your swim training.

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Swimmers: Can You Get Just 1% Better Each Day?

Here’s what one of the most successful basketball coaches in NBA history can teach swimmers about the process of achieving excellence.


“Swimming gave me the self-confidence I couldn’t find anywhere else.”

Jeff Float’s journey to Olympic gold illustrates how the power of the sport is felt greatest in helping young people develop confidence and self-belief.


Elite Swimming Starts with Enjoying the Journey

You don’t learn to enjoy the journey by becoming successful. It’s the opposite. Success comes after you learn to enjoy the process and savor the journey.


17 Ways to Drive Your Swimming Coach Nuts

Part life coach, part instructor, and part babysitter, our swim coaches have their hands full with us swimmers. Here’s how we drive coach bonkers.


5 Ways Swimmers Can Supercharge Their Mindset (That You Can Do Today)

Here are some simple strategies any swimmer can use today in practice to unlock a high-performance mindset in training and competition.

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The Neat-o Thing That Happens When Swimmers Work Their Mental Training

There are lots of benefits to spending time each day on your mindset. Besides the whole swimming faster thing, here is what else that happens.

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The Power of Journaling for Swimmers

Want better workouts? A bullet-proof race plan? Less anxiety behind the blocks? Yup—the simple act of journaling can help. Big time. Here’s how.

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10 Things That Have Nothing to Do With Talent

Much is made about having lots of talent. But talent alone doesn’t make champion swimmers. Here’s what to focus on instead.