6 Things That Happen After A Year Off Of Swimming
As many of you know, taking time out of the sport of swimming can be tough. Getting back into the sport of swimming…even tougher.
Yoga for Swimmers: Learning to Move with Ease (Video)
This Yoga for Swimmers video provides you with a short practice that teaches how to move with greater ease…
Swimming Karne Ke Fayde
Fit Rahne Ke Liye Log Aaj Kya-Kya Nahi Karte Hai, Har Trah Ki Fitness Ke Liye Chahe Wo Mansik Ho…
YogaOutlet.com Rebrands With New Logo, New Look
The new logo was designed to represent the YogaOutlet.com personality with a balance of flowing creatively, delivering fresh ideas (and product) and staying connected to its roots.
Yoga for Swimmers – Developing Body Awareness (Video)
Yoga is a great way for swimmers to develop body awareness. This short video will help you do just that…
What Happens When You Stop Getting Faster
When you just can’t get any faster, here are some strategies to try.
Raising A Champion – Tori Trees Smith and John Smith
Author Eney Jones takes us up-close and personal with Tori Trees Smith and John Smith, parents of Olympic athlete Clark…
Mothering A Champion – Christina Cooper Dressel
Author Eney Jones takes us up-close and personal with Christina Cooper Dressel, mother of Olympic Champion Caeleb Dressel.
Rock the pool – Swim Race Days am 4. u. 5. März in Dortmund
Swim Race Days, Dortmund 04.-05. März 2016 Südbad Dortmund 50 m Bahn Veranstaltungsseite Meldeergebnis Ergebnisse (wenn Veranstaltung läuft) 2016 fanden…
Britta Steffen:”Durch innere Balance und Ruhephasen zum Erfolg”
Die Lausitzer Rundschau berichtet von einer ganz besonderen Schulung der Mitarbeiter des “Tropenparadies” in der Nähe von Berlin: Olympiasiegerin Britta…
Working The Stroke Recovery – Work When No One Is Working
Everyone works the bottom of their stroke, we reach, then push and propel ourselves forward. But we are dealing with two different elements while swimming, water and air.
Rock the pool – Swim Race Days am 4. u. 5. März in Dortmund
Swim Race Days, Dortmund 04.-05. März 2016 Südbad Dortmund 50 m Bahn Veranstaltungsseite Meldeergebnis Ergebnisse (wenn Veranstaltung läuft) 2016 fanden…
7 Razones por las que debes salir con un nadador o una nadadora
¿Conoce a un nadador? Para ser éxitosos los nadadores hay que dedicadarse totalmente al deporte, una mentalidad que parecería loca…
Why Manners In The First Degree Matter for College Recruits
The old saying, “first impressions” could not be more true when you have your first contact with your potential college swim coach.
Can We Build A Better College Meet Schedule?
As a collegiate distance swimmer, I had plenty of things to gripe about to my mid-distance counterparts: more monotonous workouts, a shorter taper timeline, and a distinct lack of yoga during morning practices.