Fike Swim Expands in Europe with Sport-Thieme
Fike Swim has partnered with Germany’s largest mail order retailer, Sport-Thieme, as it continues to expand its global reach. Sport-Thieme…
MP Swim Tips by Bob Bowman: Training with Fins
MP Swim Tips by Bob Bowman – Episode Seven
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8 Questions Every Swimmer Should Ask Themselves
Olivier Poirier-Leroy has 8 questions that swimmers should ask themselves every day.
7 Things Smart Swimmers Need to Stop Doing
Our swimming is a collection of habits, both good and bad. With that in mind, here are 7 habits that smart swimmers need to ditch.
10 Ways to be an Awesome Swimming Lane Mate
We’ve all been there — 12 swimmers, 1 lane. Here are 10 ways to be an awesome lane-mate when lane space is at a premium.
How to do 6 Kick 3 Stroke Backstroke Drill
Practice the six kick, three stroke backstroke drill and you will see a big improvement in your backstroke speed.
Misty Hyman Dethrones “Madame Butterfly” at the 2000 Sydney Games
In 2000 at the Sydney Games Misty Hyman defeated hometown favorite and world record holder to capture gold in the 200m butterfly. Here is how it went down.
Bruce Hayes vs. The Albatross and the 800 Relay Glory of 1984
Before Lezak’s heroics in Beijing there was Bruce Hayes and his epic relay leg against the most dominant swimmer of the 1984 Olympics, West Germany’s Michael Gross.
3 Steps to Better Championship Preparation
Championship season is the time of year when you put even more focus into swimming your fastest. As the physical demand of training lightens, how you manage the remaining hours in your day becomes more critical.
The Ultra-Short Race-Pace Training International Association Launched
Ultra-short Race-pace Training International Association (USRPTIA) has been launched.
Matt Brown Discusses the Preparation of World Champion Ning Zetao
Matt Brown shares some of the details of World Champion Ning Zetao’s preparation for the Rio Olympics…
Yoga for Swimmers (Video) – Injury Prevention Sequence
This short sequence is designed to help prevent the most common injuries that swimmers suffer from…
How to Breaststroke Kick with Olympic Champion Rebecca Soni
Breaststroke kick is one of the most challenging techniques of swimming. A powerful breaststroke kick relies on having great flexibility in the hips and dorsiflexion of the ankles.
BridgeAthletic Building Blocks: 5 Exercises to Add Breaststroke Power
The BridgeAthletic Building Block Series is a set of 5 exercises that can be performed by swimmers of all levels on the pool deck.
10 Things Every Swimmer Does (But Would Never Admit to Doing)
#3 – Daydreaming about tormenting that person who always taps your feet but never passes you.