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How Am I Able to Sprint at the End of a Really Tough Set?

Are you a Sammy Save Up or not? Ever wonder how you can sometimes tap a reservoir of unseen energy at the end of a long and trying set? Here is why that happens, and how you can use it to swim faster in training.


7 Habits of Highly Motivated Swimmers

We all have our own reasons for strapping on the swimsuit and diving into the waters of our local neighborhood pool. For some, it’s the aspiration of repping our country on the world stage. For others, it is to swim beyond high school in the collegiate ranks. And for others, it’s a means of fitness, a place to Zen out, a way to get and stay in shape.


How to Position Your Feet for Swimming Starts – Video Feature

In this Race Club #swimisode, Coach Gary Hall teaches the proper distance one should maintain between feet both side to side and back to front on the modern swimming starting block.


Fossil Ridge’s Mark Morehouse In The Coaches Corner With Chris Ritter

Chris Ritter sits down with Fossil Ridge’s head coach, Mark Morehouse, National High School Coaches Association (NHSCA)’s Boys’ Swimming Coach of the year.

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MP Schwimmtipps von Bob Bowman: Besser Brustschwimmen

MP Swim Tips by Bob Bowman – Episode Vierzehn Bob Bowman ist der Trainer des erfolgreichsten olympischen Athleten aller Zeiten: Michael…

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Yoga for Swimmers (Video) – A Sequence to Improve Your Butterfly

This yoga for swimmers video goes through a sequence that will increase your mobility and strength to improve your butterfly…

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19 Swim Camps You Will Love This Summer

See 19 “Summer Swim Camps” you will love to attend this summer. These swim camps are headed by some of the best coaches in swimming.

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FINIS Set Of The Week: Transitioning To Long Course

As a former swimmer, long course was always my much better of the two version.

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Why You Should Relax Your Wrists When Swimming

Have you ever noticed that the fastest swimmers in the pool typically look like they are swimming with less effort than the slower ones? It is not a coincidence. There is a reason and it is mostly in the wrist.


Are You Creating an Environment for Success in the Pool?

How successful we are in sport and in life is often as a result of the environment around us. Here are some tips for building an environment that promotes high performance swimming.


Taking Your Young Athlete to the Next Level of Performance

By Joanne M. Koury, M.Ed. CLIMB, SWING, JUMP, THROW, REACH AND HANG…ever watch young children play in a playground equipped…

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MP Schwimmtipps von Bob Bowman: Unterwasserphase

MP Swim Tips by Bob Bowman – Episode Dreizehn Bob Bowman ist der Trainer des erfolgreichsten olympischen Athleten aller Zeiten:…

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7 Fixable Reasons You Aren’t Achieving Success in the Water

Are you finding that getting to the level you want to be at with your swimming is a struggle? Here are 7 reasons why you are having difficulty achieving what you want in the water, and more importantly, what you can do about it.


MP Schwimmtipps von Bob Bowman: Schwimmzüge zählen

MP Swim Tips by Bob Bowman – Episode Elf Bob Bowman ist der Trainer des erfolgreichsten olympischen Athleten aller Zeiten: Michael…

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The Race Club Summer Swim Camps – Sign Up Today

Sign up now for The Race Club Summer Swim Camps in Islamorada, Florida June 16-19 or in Coronado, California June 23-27.

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