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Importance of a Taper Phase in Dryland Training
During the crucial weeks and days leading up to swim meets, swimmers should properly implement a taper phase in their dryland training to optimize performance on race day.
The Final Frontier PT 3: Coupling Motions
One of the reasons that I believe that the up kick on butterfly and freestyle kick (or down kick in backstroke) and powerful coupling motions are two of the last frontiers of fast swimming is that few coaches or swimmers really recognize how important they are or even what they are.
AQUA BOOM® Your Breaststroke With VOLS Head Coach Matt Kredich
In this video clinic feature, Coach Kredich shares three ways to improve your breaststroke using the AQUA BOOM®.
Freestyle Flip Turn: Why The Breakout Matters
A bad breakout can easily transform a good turn into a….not-so-good one. There are several important elements to performing a great freestyle breakout.
Want Swim Goggle Comfort, Try Smack Swim Strap
Goggles are an essential part of all competitive swimmers equipment but often if the straps are too tight or after an extended period of wearing them they can cause “swim goggle headache”.
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10 Things People Say at Swim Meets
The roar of the crowd, the thunderous swimming in the pool and the whistles coaches unleash at their swimmers can make it hard to notice much else but what is happening in the water.
Competitor Coach of the Month: Greg Meehan
Head coach Greg Meehan led the United States women to their most successful World Championships in history, with 20 total medals, 9 of them gold.
Should You Have A Late Breath In Butterfly
With the late breath the head is kept in the tucked down position as long as possible, rather than lifting it early and holding it up longer.
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Online Coaching – A New Dimension To Swim Training
Coaching a swimmer online, as opposed to being on deck, is a relatively new form of coaching, made possible by today’s advanced communication technology, such as Skype and FaceTime.
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SwimOutlet #WinterIsNotHere Collection Highlights Global Warming
SwimOutlet.com is having some fun — and making a statement — with a new collection of suits highlighting climate change.
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