SwimmersBest InHaler (Video)
SwimmersBest InHaler will teach the swimmer to breathe low and behind the bow wave. If the swimmer were to lift their head when they breathe, they will get immediate feedback. By using the InHaler for a short amount of time, the swimmer will improve their breathing.
Setting Goals: Short, Medium And Long Term
We begin every camp at The Race Club by helping each swimmer in setting goals: a short term, medium term and a long term goal.
428 New Swim Jobs You Might Love
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Smack Straps – A Competitive Swimmers Must Have
Goggles are an essential part of all competitive swimmers equipment but often if the straps are too tight or after an extended period of wearing them they can cause “swim goggle headache”.
How to Swim Faster By Being a Rock Star Teammate
Swimming may be an individual sport, but we train as a team. Here are a few ways to foster an environment where everyone succeeds.
American Swim Coaches Association (ASCA) World Clinic Recap
NZ Manufacturing was in attendance at the annual world clinic conference exhibiting StrechCordzⓇ swim training products, proudly Made in the USA since 1985.
Nathan Adrian’s 3 Favorite Exercises
Nathan’s top three “Bridge exercises” are the Weighted Pull Up, the Hex Bar Dead Lift and the Disc Freestyle Slide.
SwimmersBest Tech Snorkel (Video)
The Tech Snorkel is the swim industry’s first technique snorkel. This snorkel corrects many technique problems such as unstable head and driving the head underwater. By adding the extension, the snorkel is as tall as any other snorkel on the market.
Bob Bowman Shares Hysterical Training Story (Video)
even more goodies from the Bowman camp have come out of the wood work this week
Mizuno Enters U.S. Performance Swim Market
Mizuno, a global leader in premium performance footwear, apparel and equipment, enters the elite U.S. swimming market with its most popular GX Sonic III Men’s elite performance racing suit.
5 Goals Every Swimmer Should Set This Season
Let’s take a look at the 5 goals every swimmer can put their mind to this season, and how they’ll put you on the fast track to great performances.
SwimmersBest 1FastCatch Paddle Review (Video)
Swimmersbest swim paddle overview explaining the general uses and advantages of all 5 paddles, the Wrist Trainer and the add-on pads.
Turbocharge Your Engine In Freestyle
One can look at the freestyle kick as being similar to the turbocharged engine.
420 New Swim Jobs You Might Love
Want a job in swimming? We have over 1107 Swim Jobs listed.
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415 New Swim Jobs You Might Love
If you don’t like the career you’re in, you might want to work in the swimming community and be a…
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