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Swimming Dryland Workouts #20: 429 Reps For 429 Days Until Olympic Trials

Follow this punishing dryland workout that emphasizes the core, with the main set’s 429 reps matching the number of days until the U.S. Olympic Trials.


See 2341 New Swim Jobs You Might Love

If you don’t like the career you’re in, you might want to work in the swimming community and be a part of our swimming family! Go here to see 2741 Swim Jobs.

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Swimming From Home Talk Show: Kathleen Baker on Not Bottling your Emotions

Now stuck at home, she has been leaning heavily on her national teammates for support and kinship by checking in with them.


At Home Swim Training: Efimova In The Kitchen, Chalmers In Backyard Pool

Let’s see how Russian Yuliya Efimova and Australian Kyle Chalmers are keeping fit while under quarantine for coronavirus (COVID-19).


FINA Shares “Home Workout Routines” For Athletes Stuck At Home

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, FINA has put together a ‘Home Workout Routines’ PowerPoint detailing the ways that athletes can stay fit while at home.

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Kosuke Kitajima and Brendan Hansen 100m Breaststroke 2004 Olympic Games

The rivalry between Kosuke Kitajima and Brendan Hansen is one of the most well-known in the swimming world, and it came to a head at the 2004 Olympic Games.


Swimming From Home Talk Show: Annie Lazor on Swimming in 4 Different Pools

Along with IU post-grads Cody Miller and Lilly King, Lazor has swam in 4 different pools over the last 2 weeks in an effort to try and maintain pool time


Swimmer Dryland Workouts #19: 20 Minute At Home Workout

Today’s workout can be as quick or as long as you’d like and for most experienced swimmers I’d say it’s more of a “get the blood pumping” workout

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Olympic Champion Misty Hyman and the Unexpected Benefits of Adversity

Misty Hyman upset the swimming world at the Sydney Olympics to win the final of the 200m butterfly. Her path there was far from smooth.

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Yoga for Swimmers Mobility Practice: Thoracic Spine Mobility

This yoga for swimmers practice focuses on increasing thoracic spine mobility, which can help improve both technique and shoulder health

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Swimming From Home Talk Show: 15-Year-Old Jacob Whittle on Keeping His Head

after last summer, he’s had a lot of practice keeping a level head, not getting too excited or too down about any one thing


More Dressel Abs: “Corentine Circuit #2”

Dressel was kind enough to share another one of his strength coach Matt Delancy’s “Corentine Circuit” ab workouts with the public.


WeCoach4u Dryland Circuit From Olympic Coach Ross Gerry

This dryland circuit from Olympic coach Ross Gerry is one that you can do at home and builds a solid foundation for strength work.


Elite Swimmers Push Limits, Train More Aggressively with Hammer Head Swim Caps

Hammer Head Swim Caps finds that elite swimmers are training harder and with greater confidence when wearing the world’s only protective swim cap.

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Dryland Swimming Workouts #19 – Two-a-Days

It’s week 3 of at home drylands. Time to start introducing two-a-days to your routine.