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Three Home Exercises to Build a Better Breaststroke

Breaststroke is the toughest stroke to teach and learn, partly because it requires a different set of tools in order to do well than the other three strokes.

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Competitor Coach of the Month: Salo’s Trojans Ruled April of 2012

It’s been a sadly swimming-light month of April, so we’re using our Swimmer of the Month to look back on this month two Olympic cycles earlier.

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Swimming From Home: Texas Head Coach Carol Capitani Plays “Box of Truths”

Texas women’s head coach Carol Capitani and I took one of Jimmy Fallon’s talk show games, Box of Lies, and made it our own

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Training at Home: Chlorine Jugs Make for Versatile Exercise Equipment

Australian Olympians Brianna Throssell (above) and Grant Irvine demonstrate how simple and inexpensive pieces of pool equipment can make a great workout aid.

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Free Dryland Training Zoom Call With Olympic Coach Ross Gerry On Thursday

Join coach Ross Gerry at 8 p.m. CDT Thursday, April 30 for a free Zoom call that will offer tips on mobility, strength, and much more.

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A Powerful Mental Strategy For Success In The Water

Building a process, writing out positive self-talk and using visualization for optimal performance are the keys to establish consistent success in the water.

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Daily Dryland Swimming Workouts #38 – Bad Weather Recovery Day

With bad weather predicted for much of the United States this weekend, this workout can be done inside (or outside, if you’re lucky enough for good weather).

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Swimming Specific Yoga Practice – Increasing Shoulder Mobility

This swimming specific yoga shoulder mobility practice will help you feel greater freedom of movement and stability in your shoulders…


Six Relationships You Develop In The Pool

Records will come and go, soreness fades, and those awesome swimmer abs may slowly disappear, but the relationships are for life.

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Daily Dryland Swimming Workouts #37 – Sprints and Power

Lace up your running shoes, this one is going to get your heart rate elevated.


FINIS Set of the Week: Shrek

This week’s set of the week comes from Ethan Beseris, Team Sales Rep for FINIS. It includes four sets of 5x100s alternating strokes.

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Swimming From Home: What Will Getting Back in the Pool Look Like?

We spoke with ASCA CEO Steve Roush on what getting back in the pool might look like once the full quarantine begins to lift


Improve Your Flexibility Instantly With Olympic Coach Ross Gerry (WeCoach4u)

This video will help you improve your flexibility right away, exploring three areas of competitive swimming that often get neglected in dryland training.

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Inspiration Is Something You Do For Yourself

“In my time as a coach, athlete, student, human being on this planet I have found that it is our emotional connection to something that motivates us.”


Men’s 200m Freestyle 2004 Athens Olympics Analysis

Ian Thorpe vs Pieter van den Hoogenband vs Michael Phelps in the 200 meter freestyle at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens…