Cameron van der Burgh, breaststroke, 2009 World Championships, Roma, Italy (Photo Credit: Fabio Ferrari, LaPresse)

Cameron van der Burgh, 100 breaststroke, Olympic Champion, Olympic Gold Medalist, 2012 London Olympic (Photo Credit: Fabio Ferrari, LaPresse)

Cameron van der Burgh, breaststroke, 2009 World Championships, Roma, Italy (Photo Credit: Fabio Ferrari, LaPresse)

Cameron van der Burgh, breaststroke, 2009 World Championships, Roma, Italy (Photo Credit: Fabio Ferrari, LaPresse)

Cameron van der Burgh, 100 breaststroke Olympic Champion, Olympic Gold Medalist, 2012 London Olympic Games (swim news: the man who broke the story of the an extra dolphin kick, something most breaststrokers were and are doing) (Photo Credit: Fabio Ferrari, LaPresse)

Cameron van der Burgh, 100 breaststroke, Olympic Champion, Olympic Gold Medalist, Arena Swimmer, Arena Athlete, 2012 London Olympic (Photo Credit: Fabio Ferrari, LaPresse)

Cameron van der Burgh, 100 breaststroke, Olympic Champion, 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist (Photo Credit: Fabio Ferrari, LaPresse)