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Yusra mardini

La Storia Di Yusra e Sarah Mardini Nel Film Netflix “The Swimmers”

Netflix ha appena pubblicato “The Swimmers”. Il film racconta la storia vera delle sorelle Sarah e Yusra Mardini, fuggite dalla Siria

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Watch the True Story of Yusra and Sarah Mardini in Netflix’s ‘The Swimmers’

‘The Swimmers’ presents the true story of sisters Sarah and Yusra Mardini who fled Syria to have a chance at swimming at the 2016 Rio Olympics.


IOC Announces 44 Paris 2024 Refugee Athlete Scholarships in Initial Listing

The IOC has announced at least 44 athletes in their initial list for the Paris Refugee Scholarship in preparation for the Paris 2024 Olympics.

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The Swimmers With The Most Followers On Instagram

Italy’s Federica Pellegrini is among the biggest mainstream sports stars swimming has to offer, and her social media following backs that up.


Un Ciliegio In Fiore Dà Il Via Ai Giochi:La Cerimonia Di Apertura DI Tokyo 2020

Il racconto della cerimonia di apertura dei 32° Giochi Olimpici che si svolgeranno a Tokyo dal 23 luglio all’8 agosto 2021

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Two Swimmers Named to Refugee Olympic Team

Yusra Mardini, a native of Syria, has been named to the Refugee Olympic Team for the second time. She will be joined by 28 other athletes in Tokyo.

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Tokyo 2020 Round-Up: 10,000 Volunteers Pull Out Of Games

10,000 volunteers set to work at the Games have pulled out, though the IOC insists they will have enough numbers to ensure a smoothly run event


Atleti Olimpici Rifugiati: Il CIO Pubblica I 29 Nomi Selezionati, 2 Nuotatori

Il CIO ha comunicato i nomi dei 29 atleti che faranno parte della squadra degli atleti rifugiati a Tokyo 2021, tra questi 2 nuotatori

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Leader of Refugee Olympic Team Says “Standards Raised” for Choosing 2020 Team

4 swimmers originally from Syria, including Yusra Mardini (above), are among 49 athletes currently being supported by IOC refugee scholarships. 2 train in Germany, 1 in Turkey, and 1 in New Zealand.

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Schwimm-WM: Vorläufe mit A. Köhler, Kusch, Schwingenschlögl, Staffeln ab 3 Uhr

FINA World Championships, Gwangju, Südkorea Beckenschwimmen: 21. bis 28. Juli 2019 Freiwasser: 13. bis 19. Juli 2019 FINA Veranstaltungsseite Startlisten…

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37 International Athletes Vying for Inclusion on 2020 Refugee Olympic Team

While an official 2020 Refugee Olympic Team has not yet been named, the IOC currently sponsors 37 Olympic-hopefuls living and training abroad.

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IOC Renews Refugee Olympic Team for Tokyo 2020 Games

The IOC has announced a renewal of its refugee team for the 2020 Olympic Games: a program that was approved…

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Syrian Swimmer Sara Mardini Arrested in Greece for Aiding Refugees

Sara Mardini, sister of UNHCR Ambassador and 2016 Olympian Yusra Mardini, is being detained in Greek prison on charges that include aiding human traffickers, money laundering, espionage, and forgery.


Syrian Swimmer Yusra Mardini to Have Life Story Told in Upcoming Movie

An as-yet-untitled film following the life of 20-year-old Syrian swimmer Yusra Mardini has received the green light and could be released as soon as 2019.

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Das Leben von Yusra Mardini soll verfilmt werden

Yusra Mardini ist ein syrische Schwimmerin, die jetzt in Berlin lebt und beim Schwimmverein “Wasserfreunde Spandau 04” bei Trainer Sven Spannekrebs…

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