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6 Questions to Ask Yourself After the Big Meet

The big meet has come and gone. Here are 6 questions to ask yourself after the weekend to get the most from your efforts so far and to move on to bigger and better things.


When It Is Time to Shake Up Your Swimming

No matter how much you love to swim there will be moments where you are feeling plateaued and frustrated. here is how to figure out if it is time to switch things up.

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6 Excuse-Busting Tips for Swimmers

Elite swimmers recognize the value in having ultimate accountability with their swimming. Here are 6 tips for busting the excuse-making loop.


What To Tell Your Swimmer After They’ve Had a Bad Swim

It’s a difficult experience to watch your swimmer come up short of their goals and expectations in the pool. Here is a simple strategy to help your swimmer move forward.


5 Reasons Why Short Term Goals Rock

Big, awesome goals are great, but the key to getting there lies in setting smaller, short term goals.

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6 Reasons You Will Learn to Love Your Early AM Practices

Early AM swim practices, while nearly universally loathed, are also a proving ground that separates the elite from the rest. Here are 6 reasons to learn to love early AM practices.


5 Ways to Get the Most of Your Swim Practices

High caliber swimmers know they gotta make the most of what they are given. Here are 5 tips for pulling the most from your swim practices.


How to Squeeze More Awesome from Your Swim Practices

Are you making the most of your time in the water? Instead of focusing on doing more, focus on doing it better. Here are 3 ways to max out the time spent at practice.

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Are You Willing to Do What is Necessary to Achieve Your Goals in the Pool?

Achieving big stuff in the pool requires a couple dashes of sacrifice. Learn whether or not you are ready to take your swimming to the next level with these simple questions.


Swimmers: Forget Being Perfect, Focus on Being Awesome.

Being a perfectionist is not only exhausting, but hamstrings your chances at success in the pool. Here’s why.

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3 Point Plan for Smashing the Weaknesses in Your Swim Training

Ready to take your training to the next level? Here’s a quick 3 point plan for exploiting the biggest areas of improvement — your weaknesses.

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5 Ways to Swim Out of Your Comfort Zone

Swimming excellence requires stepping out of our comfort zone. Here are 5 ways to help you blast forwards and onwards with your swimming.

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Why You Should Be Consistently Reviewing Your Swimming

Reviewing your swimming is a powerful way to get more from your swimming. Here are 4 ways to swim faster by evaluating your swimming.

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5 Mental Hacks to Get You Through Your Next Tough Swim Practice

Are you making tough workouts even harder? Here are 5 tips to help make those challenging sets and workouts easier.


Excellence Starts in Practice: 8 Ways to Swim Like a Boss From Day 1

Swimming excellence is developed long before you ever step up on the blocks. Here are 8 ways to engage your inner excellence at practice on the regular.