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How Do I Stay Motivated to Train Hard in Swimming?

One of the most common questions I get is a variation of: “How do I train hard when I don’t feel like it?” Here are 6 tips for getting the motivational fire burning again.


The 12 Swimmers You See at Your Local Swim Meets

Here are 12 of the swimmers you see on deck at your local swim meet. Where do you fit in?


6 Tips for Kicking That Tough Set’s Butt

With the season rolling on those tough sets are going to start coming in hot and heavy. Here are 6 tricks for getting through those hard sets like a boss.

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The 8 Swimmers You See Behind the Blocks

Swimmers are a weirdly unique bunch. From the way we train, to our pre-race rituals, we all have those little idiosyncrasies. Here are 8 different swimmers that we see behind the blocks at meets.


5 Ways Swimmers Hold Themselves Back in the Pool

All too often we catch ourselves being our own worst enemy. Here are 5 ways that we hold ourselves back in our swimming.

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6 Things to Think About Next Time You Stumble with Your Swimming

6 things to think about the next time that your swimming is going not so, well, swimmingly.


This Coach Challenged His Athletes to Get Just 1% Better (And Then They Won 16 Olympic Golds)

Looking to make some striking improvements to your swimming? The quickest way to becoming a faster swimmer is not the way you think.


6 Reasons to Get Stoked About Being a Self-Disciplined Swimmer

Learn six reasons why you should be fired up about becoming a more self-disciplined swimmer.


5 Tips to Help You Fall Asleep the Night Before Your Big Race

It’s the night before the big race and you find yourself staring wide eyed at the back of your eyelids. Here are 5 tips for relaxing and getting a good night’s rest.


Why Do We Get Less Optimistic The Closer the Big Race Gets?

It’s a familiar situation; with weeks or days remaining until the big meet a swimmer will develop a seemingly random crisis in confidence. Here is why this happens.

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7 Quotes to Help Swimmers Get Focused

Having troubled concentrating on what matters with your swimming? Here are 7 quotes to help you get focused and back on track.


The Swimmer’s Guide to Punching Fear of Failure in the Face

If you knew that you couldn’t fail, what would you do with your swimming? Here are 8 strategies for defeating the fear of failure for swimmers.


7 Ways to Swim Fearlessly in 2016 and 2017

Is fear holding you back from achieving your potential in the pool? Here are 7 tips to swim fearlessly in 2016-2017.


Are You Swimming Faster in Practice than Competition? Here’s Why.

It can be infuriating and mystifying for swimmers to swim faster in practice than competition. Here is the simple reason for why this happens.


6 Ways to Take Your Swimming to the Limit

Achieving success with our swimming takes work. Here are 6 ways to help you push the envelope with your swimming goals.