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L’Impatto Della Pandemia Sul Nuoto. L’Opinione Di Vladimir Salnikov

L’impatto della pandemia sul nuoto dal punto di vista finanziario e delle performance del presidente della WWF ed ex olimpionico Vladimir Salnikov

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Moscow Lab Reportedly Would Remove Swimmers From Testing Pool For Cash

On the heels of yesterday’s scathing report released by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) alleging testing evasion, sample tampering and…


Kazan World Championships to be broadcast on 70 TV and radio stations

The Russian Swimming Federation announced last week that this summer’s FINA World Championships will be broadcast by 70 TV and radio providers over Europe, Asia and North and South America.


Russian Swimming Federation adding an extra layer to doping control policy

The Russian Swimming Federation (known as WWF) announced last week that it will be adding an extra layer to its doping control policy as the country tries to move forward from a string of high-profile suspensions and doping control violations.

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