Vladimir Salnikov Pensa Che I Russi Non Parteciperanno Alle Olimpiadi 2024
Vladimir Salnikov ha espresso un giudizio negativo sulle possibilità di partecipazione dei nuotatori russi alle Olimpiadi di Parigi
Russian Officials Claim IOC’s Support of Israeli Athletes Highlights Double Standard
Russian officials said the IOC’s stance on whether athletes should bear collective responsibility for the actions of their government is inconsistent.
Vladimir Salnikov Believes Russia’s Chances of Competing At Paris Are “Close To Zero”
The All-Russian Swimming Federation President believes the current restrictions are unacceptable and is losing hope that anything will change prior to 2024.
Evgeny Rylov Si Rifiuterà Di Firmare Una Dichiarazione Politica Per Tornare Alle Gare
Evgeny Rylov ha dichiarato che si rifiuterà di firmare una dichiarazione politica in cambio del ritorno alle competizioni internazionali.
Evgeny Rylov Says He’ll Refuse to Sign Political Declaration for Return to Competition
Olympic champion Evgeny Rylov told Russian media that he will refuse to sign a political declaration in exchange for a return to international competition.
La Federazione Russa Risponde Ai Nuovi Criteri Di World Aquatics
La Federazione Russa ha risposto ai recenti sviluppi riguardanti lo status dei suoi atleti e la possibilità di competere nelle gare internazionali.
Russian Swimming Federation Issues First Statement Following World Aquatics Ruling
The All-Russian Swimming Federation is still analyzing the new set of criteria but have said there’s “been no improvement” on the situation.
1992 U.S. Olympian Sean Killion Taking First Club Coaching Job at Mavericks Swimming
Former Olympian Sean Killion is returning to the pool deck as head coach of the Mavericks Swimming Association club next month in Half Moon Bay, California.
Sarah Sjostrom’s 14-Year Gap Between Individual World Records Is The Biggest In History
Sjostrom’s 14-year gap between individual world records is nearly double the next-highest mark in long course meters.
Sarah Sjostrom Ha Il Divario Maggiore Tra Il Primo E L’Ultimo WR (14 Anni)
La svedese Sarah Sjoatrom è la nuotatrice che ha il divario maggiore nella storia tra il primo e l’ultimo record mondiale, 14 anni
Vladimir Salnikov Calls Out Doubters of Russian Swimming Results: ‘They Are Afraid’
“All these statements are the destiny of the weak,” Vladimir Salnikov said in response to doubts about results at the Russian Swimming Championships.
Due Atleti Russi Chiedono Il Cambio Cittadinanza. Nikolaev “Siamo Discriminati”
Anastasia Kirpichnikova e Mark Nikolaev hanno chiesto alla Federazione Russa di Nuoto di avviare la procedura per il cambio di cittadinanza sportiva.
Russia Will Miss 2023 World Championships, Vladimir Salnikov Blasts IOC
Salnikov, the President of the All-Russian Swimming Federation, is growing impatient as Russian swimmers remain ineligible to compete internationally.
Russia Plans National Championship Swim Meet on Overlap With 2023 World Championships
In 2022, Kliment Kolesnikov set a World Record in domestic competition. With no World Championships in sight, where will Russia compete in 2023?
Secondo Funzionari Russi I Mondiali Del 2025 Sono Stati Posticipati, Non Cancellati
funzionari governativi russi affermano che i Campionati Mondiali del 2025 sono stati posticipati al 2029, non cancellati.