Giochi Paralimpici Parigi 2024: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Finali Day 3
Quarto giorno a Parigi delle Paralimpiadi 2024 ed anche stasera possiamo tifare i nostri atleti impegnati nelle finali di nuoto paralimpico alla Defense Arena
Giochi Paralimpici Parigi 2024: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Finali Day2
Dopo la prima giornata di finali che ci ha visti ben otto volte sul podio, inizia la seconda sessione, ed anche stasera l’Italia punta alle medaglie
Giochi Paralimpici Parigi 2024: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Finali Giorno 1
Inizia la prima serata di finali dei Giochi Paralimpici di Parigi 2024. Stasera si assegneranno le prime medaglie e l’Italia sarà presente in otto finali.
Tokyo Paralympics Day 9 Finals: Jessica Long Now 28-Time Paralympic Medalist
As four World and eight Paralympic records fell during day 9 finals in Tokyo, USA’s Jessica Long earned her 28th career Paralympic medal.
USA’s Robert Griswold Wins S8 100 BK Paralympic Title in World Record Fashion
American Robert Griswold upgraded his 2016 bronze to 2020 gold in the S8 men’s 100 back here in Tokyo en route a new class World record.
Pelendritou & Guizhi Hit First Sub-30 S11 Women’s 50 Free Times in History
CYP’s Pelendritou and CHN’s Guizhi became the first S11 females to break 30 seconds in the 50 free during the third prelims session of the Tokyo Paralympics.
2020 Tokyo Paralympics Day 1: RPC Breaks 2 World Records, 8 Para Records Fall
Roman Zhdanov (middle) and Valeriia Shabalina of the Russian Paralympic Committee each broke a world record on day 1 of the Tokyo Paralympic Games.
Tokyo 2020 Paralympics Day One Finals: 2 World and 8 Paralympic Records Fall
RPC’s Valeriia Shabalina (S14 W 100 FL) and Roman Zhdanov (SB13 M 50 BR) both broke World records during the first Tokyo 2020 Paralympic finals session.
Pascoe Hits SM9 200 IM World Record, Her 3rd of Singapore WPS World Series
New Zealand’s Sophie Pascoe took down the 50 free, 100 free and 200 IM records over the course of three days in Singapore.
New Zealand’s Sophie Pascoe Breaks S9 50 Free World Record in Singapore
Pascoe also broke the S9 100 free world record on the first day of the WPS World Series stop in Singapore.
SB6 100 Breast and S9 100 Free World Records Fall in Singapore
China’s Daomin Liu and New Zealand’s Sophie Pascoe set world marks on day 1 of the Singapore WPS World Series stop.
RACE VIDEOS: Watch as 4 World Records go down on Day 3 of IPC World Champs
A total of four WRs went down on Day 3 of the IPC World Championships, and we have the videos here.
Russians break 4 world records on day 5 of IPC World Championships
A day after losing the medal count lead to Ukraine, Russia struck back on day 5 with 4 world records and a pile of golds to take back the top of the medal table.
Russians set 4 World Records on Day 3 of 2015 IPC World Championships
Russia has been on fire at the 2015 IPC World Championships, and on day 3, they broke four world records to lead all nations.