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Universiadi Napoli 2019: Candidature Come Volontari Da Tutto Il Mondo

XXX UNIVERSIADE ESTIVA 2019 Napoli (ITA) Piscina Felice Scandone – Vasca Lunga Porzione nuoto 04/10 Luglio 2019 sito web dell’evento L’attesa…


Take a Sneak Peek Look at the Pool Venue for the 2017 WUGs

A couple of sneak peek photos have been released as the World University Games draw nearer.


Florence and Romania to enter host bids for future World University Games

Two nations appear to be set to enter host bids for future World University Games events: Florence, Italy and Bucharest and Cluj, Romania.

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Bidding opens for potential hosts of 2021 World University Games

FISU (the International University Sports Federation) has opened the bidding for nations wishing to host the World University Games in 2021.

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