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Tina Andrew

London Roar Guidano La Classifica Del Gruppo B ISL

London Roar, la squadra con base a Londra capitanata da Adam Peaty (assente nella tappa di Dallas), guidano la classifica del gruppo B.

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International Swimming League Dallas: Live La Prima Giornata Gruppo B

International Swimming League. Nel Westside Aquatic Center di Lewisville, il Gruppo B fa il suo ingresso.Seguite insieme a noi il Day1 live

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Dallas: La Start List E Corsie Della ISL- Michael Andrew In 5 Gare

ISL Dallas: Start List e corsie del primo giorno di gare del Gruppo B. Michael Andrew iscritto a 5 gare. Tra gli attesi Katinka Hosszu,le sorelle Campbell

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ISL Lewisville Gruppo B: In Gara Iron,NY Breakers,London Roar,LA Current

ISL Lewisville. Questa settimana saranno impegnate nel loro debutto alla ISL le squadre: LA Current, New York Breakers, Iron e London Roar

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New York Breakers Name Peter Andrew Head Coach for First ISL Season

Peter Andrew (left) is the coach and father of the team’s vice-captain Michael Andrew (right) of the New York Breakers.


Winning the ISL Team Title – Tina Andrew Takes Moneyball Approach

NY Breakers have taken the Moneyball approach, going with athletes that may have been overlooked or under appreciated, but can still deliver in a team battle


Understanding the ISL: Watch U.S. Team Owners Explain the League

This evening, the four U.S.-based ISL team owners discussed more about the ISL, including Lenny Krayzelburg (LA Current) pictured above.


Fish Out Of Water: The SwimSwam Podcast – Episode 2 With Tina Andrew

The official SwimSwam podcast is back with its second episode: this time featuring a long-form interview with New York Breakers GM Tina Andrew.


Video Interviste-Michael Andrew Parla Dell’Italia, Del Suo Allenamento E Di ISL

TROFEO SETTECOLLI 2019 21/23 Giugno 2019 Piscine del Foro Italico – Roma LCM (vasca lunga 50 metri) Sito web dell’evento…

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Olympic Champion Pernille Blume Signs With New York Breakers

Danish Olympic Champion Pernille Blume has joined the International Swimming League by signing with the New York Breakers.


La composition des 4 dernières équipes de l’ISL dévoilée

La composition des quatre dernières équipes de l’ISL 2019 a été dévoilée. La Française Béryl Gastaldello rejoint les LA Current

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Michael Andrew Highlights the Sprint-Heavy New York Breakers ISL Roster

Michael Andrew is among other sprinters highlighting the New York Breakers ISL roster.


ISL Rosters: Who’s on the Table for the Final 2 Teams?

With two more ISL team rosters yet to be announced, we’ve taken a look at the top international and U.S. names we’d expect to be up for grabs.


SwimSwam Pulse: DC Trident Is Fans’ Favorite U.S. ISL Team Name

Our latest poll was a little bit of informal market research, with the DC Trident proving the most popular team name among the four American ISL franchises announced earlier this month.


International Swimming League USA formiert sich, Koch im Team New York

Die International Swimming League (ISL) formiert sich nun auch in den USA. Nachfolgend die Team Namen, die Gaststädte und die…

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