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Thomas Bach

Soccer Players Kneel in First Test of Updated Olympic Protest Rules

Players on five women’s soccer teams took a knee before the early matches of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics – protests allowed by updated IOC rules.


Kirsty Coventry Eletta Membro Del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale

l’ex nuotatrice olimpica Kirsty Coventry è stata ora eletta come membro a pieno titolo del Comitato olimpico internazionale

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Brisbane Officially Selected As Host City For 2032 Summer Olympics

Brisbane has become the first city to be chosen to host an Olympics under the IOC’s newly established selection process.


Il CEO Di Tokyo 2020 “La Cancellazione Dei Giochi E’ Ancora Sul Tavolo”

Il CEO di Tokyo 2020 ha dichiarato che la cancellazione delle Olimpiadi è ancora un’opzione in caso di impennata di casi di infezione

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Tokyo 2020 Round-Up: ‘We Did Not Know How Complex Games Would Be’

With the Olympic Games set to kick off at the end of July, preparations for the Games are beginning in…


Tokyo Olympic Chief: Cancellation Remains On The Table As COVID Cases Rise

Tokyo 2020 CEO Toshiro Muto has confirmed that the Olympic Games could still be cancelled as COVID-19 case numbers are on the rise.


Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together Il Nuovo Motto Del CIO

Nella sessione odierna del CIO è stato approvato un cambiamento nel motto olimpico che riconosce il potere unificante dello sport

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Presidente CIO Bach “Chiedo Ai Giapponesi Di Sostenere Gli Sportivi”

Il Presidente del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale Thomas Bach ha chiesto al popolo giapponese di accogliere e sostenere gli sportivi

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IOC Announces Updated Provisions For Contactless Medal Presentations

The IOC has released another set of protocols for the Tokyo 2020 Games in response to continually rising COVID-19 case numbers in Japan.


IOC President Bach Says Cancelling Olympics Never “Really An Option”

Thomas Bach told Kyodo News that cancelling the Olympic Games was never an option for the IOC, despite it being the much more difficult and expensive route.

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Il Presidente Del CIO Bach Difende La Scelta Di Giochi Senza Spettatori

Il presidente del CIO Thomas Bach ha registrato un video per gli atleti in arrivo a Tokyo e difende la scelta di Olimpiadi a porte chiuse

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IOC President Bach Supports Japan’s Decision To Not Have Spectators at Olympics

IOC President Thomas Bach has released a video to athletes addressing the country of Japan’s decision to hold the 2020 Olympic Games without spectators.


Two Swimmers Named to Refugee Olympic Team

Yusra Mardini, a native of Syria, has been named to the Refugee Olympic Team for the second time. She will be joined by 28 other athletes in Tokyo.

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Tokyo 2020 Round-Up: 10,000 Volunteers Pull Out Of Games

10,000 volunteers set to work at the Games have pulled out, though the IOC insists they will have enough numbers to ensure a smoothly run event


FINA Elects Bureau in Doha: Kuwaiti President and American Executive Director

FINA General Congress elected Husain al Musallam of Kuwait as its new President on Saturday. Brent Nowicki of USA will serve as the Executive Director.