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Thomas Bach

Why Was Flag Football Added To The Olympics? It’s The Future, Says LA28 Sports Director

The sport, although not as wildly-popular as the full-contact version, opens the door for mass participation without the same risk of serious injury.


Russia Will Not Pay Olympians for Paris 2024 Participation — Medals, Maybe

“If someone wins a medal of any value, the corresponding question will be raised,” Russian sports minister Azat Kadyrov said of potential Olympic prizes.

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Ukrainian Fencer Disqualified from Worlds for Refusing to Shake Hands with Russian

Four-time Olympic and world champion fencer Olga Kharlan offered to tap blades rather than shake hands after beating Russia’s Anna Smirnova.


World Aquatics President Husain Al-Musallam Loses Shady OCA Election to Sheikh Talal

Sheikh Talal Fahad Al-Sabah beat out World Aquatics president Husain al-Musallam (pictured) by four votes in the OCA’s presidential election.


Russian Athlete Arrested in Poland on Accusations of Spying

A Russian hockey player for a first division Polish team was detained on spying charges, one of 14 people arrested from one espionage network.


Bach Calls Out Ukraine for Sanctioning Its Own Athletes at Annual IOC Session

IOC president Thomas Bach criticized Ukraine for its boycott of events featuring Russian or Belarusian competitors on Thursday.


An Olympics Without Drug Testing? Why the Enhanced Games Has Support of (Some) Swimmers

What if the Olympics occurred once a year, paid athletes directly based on their performance, and — here’s the kicker — required no drug testing at all?


Ukrainian Artistic Swimmers Question Policy of Boycotting Events with Russians

“…it’s stupid that they can go — but they kill people — and we didn’t do anything and we can’t go,” Ukrainian Olympic medalist Vladyslava Aleksiiva said.

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I Ministri Dello Sport Di 36 Paesi Contro Ammissione Della Russia Alle Olimpiadi

36 ministri dello sport ha messo in discussione l’apertura del CIO a dare la possibilità di gareggiare alle Olimpiadi a Russia e Bielorussia

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Sports Ministers Question IOC Plan For Russian & Belarusian Participation As Neutrals

The issue of state-funded Russian athletes competing remains a sticking point for 36 sports ministers around the globe.


Kolesnikov: “Se Non Fossi Un Nuotatore Non Guarderei Il Nuoto”

Kliment Kolesnikov ha condiviso il suo pensiero sullo sport del nuoto e sul dibattito sul ritorno della Russia e della Bielorussia

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Kliment Kolesnikov: ‘If I Wasn’t a Swimmer, I Wouldn’t Watch Swimming’

Russian world record holder Kliment Kolesnikov shared his thoughts on the sport of swimming and the debate over Russia’s return to international competition.


CIO Offre Sostegno Diretto Agli Atleti Ucraini Che Vorranno Gareggiare

Il CIO ha promesso sostegno diretto agli atleti che vorranno gareggiare in competizioni con atleti russi presenti come neutrali

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IOC Offers ‘Direct Support’ to Ukrainian Athletes Barred from Competing with Russians

“The IOC has always maintained that it is not up to governments to decide which athletes can participate in which international competitions,” the IOC wrote.


Bach And The IOC Will Not Budge On Russia Now, But That Does Not Mean They Will Be In Paris In 2024

The Sports Examiner’s Rich Perelman dives deep into what the IOC’s decision on allowing Russian athletes to compete as neutral athletes mean moving into 2024.