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the Race Club

Reducing Frontal Drag With Hammer Head Swim Caps

The Race Club’s Dr. Gary Hall Sr. explains how the Hammer Head caps effectively reduce frontal drag and allow your swimming speed to reach the next level.

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Virata Aperta: Come Eseguirla Al Meglio Nello Stile Rana E Farfalla

Virata Aperta: I consigli di Gary Hall Sr. per eseguire al meglio quetsa particolare virata nello stile rana e nello stile farfalla

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How We Create Energy to Swim Faster

When we step on the blocks for a fast swimming race, we are about to increase the energy demands to a very different and high level and, if we expect to swim fast, our bodies need to be capable of producing it.

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La Nuova Rana

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., dieci volte record mondiale, atleta Olimpico, allenatore e co-fondatore del Race Club . La rana…

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Come Eseguire Una Virata Esplosiva Nello Stile Rana E Farfalla

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., dieci volte record mondiale, atleta Olimpico, allenatore e co-fondatore del Race Club . LA VIRATA…

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Tecnica: Come Migliorare La Partenza A Dorso

La bellezza della partenza a dorso Una partenza a dorso fatta bene è di una bellezza straordinaria. Somiglia ad un…

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Come Sfruttare La Legge Di Inerzia Per Mantenere La Velocità Costante

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Senior, 10 volte Record del Mondo, 3 volte Olimpionico co-fondatore del  Race Club  La legge…

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Tre Modi Per Valutare Una Buona Gambata Nello Stile Rana

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Senior, 10 volte Record del Mondo, 3 volte Olimpionico co-fondatore del  Race Club  Per leggere…

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4 Creative Kick Sets To Build Leg Strength

Leg strength and good ankle plantar flexibility are required to develop a strong flutter kick, but more is needed. Fitness of the leg muscles used in the kicking motion must also be developed to an extraordinary level.

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A Closer Look At Zane Grothe’s Freestyle

Last month at the Winter Nationals, Zane Grothe broke two American records in the 500 and 1650 freestyle: 4:07.2 and 14:18.2. Not a bad weekend!


Why we should rotate our bodies in freestyle and backstroke

All of the elite swimmers of the world rotate their bodies along the long axis, the axis that their body is moving down the pool, while swimming freestyle and backstroke. They don’t just rotate a little bit. They rotate a lot. The question is, why?


4 Creative Kicking Sets to Pump Up Leg Strength

If a swimmer is determined to use the kick for strong propulsion, the way most great swimmers do, then a six-beat kick is necessary…


How One-Arm Backstroke Drill Increases Power and Reduces Frontal Drag

World Champion Junya Koga demonstrates the one arm backstroke drill. This swim drill enables the swimmer to isolate the movement and position of the arm during the entry and underwater pull.

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Tre Modi Di Valutare Il Colpo Di Gambe Nello Stile Rana

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Senior, 10 volte Record del Mondo, 3 volte Olimpionico co-fondatore del  Race Club  Per leggere…

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Develop Explosive Power and Flexibility – Dry Land Training

Gary Hall Sr: “There are three different facets of dry land training, all of which are important; strength training, stretching and fitness. I am not aware of any elite swimmer that does not incorporate a dry land program into his or her training.”