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Summer Sanders

Former USA Swimming Award-Winning Coach Mike Hastings Dies

Hastings, Olympian Summer Sanders’ longtime direct coach and a 2013 ASCA Hall of Fame inductee, died last week.


Perchè gli Atleti mordono le Medaglie-Motivi Emozionali E Pratici

Un gesto che è entrato a far parte dell’immaginario collettivo e sempre più spesso lo si vede durante tutti ii…

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Swimming’s TopTenTweets: Something in the Water?

We’re back with swimming’s TopTenTweets!


Simone Manuel Wins 2018 Honda Sport Award

Manuel is the 10th Stanford Cardinal to win the award.


Perchè gli Atleti mangiano le Medaglie?

Un gesto che è entrato a far parte dell’immaginario collettivo e sempre più spesso lo si vede durante tutti ii…

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Natalie Coughlin Wins The NFL Celebrity Fantasy Football League

After a dicey regular season of fantasy football, Olympic Gold Medalist Natalie Coughlin’s team surged in the playoffs of the NFL Celebrity Fantasy Football League to emerge victorious for the 2016 season.


Olympic Medalist Summer Sanders Running the Torch July 14th

“I could not be more grateful and thrilled for the chance to participate in the Rio Olympic Torch Relay and to carry the spirit of Team USA with me through Brazil,” Sanders said.

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What is Swim15?

Every 15 minutes 50 Americans are diagnosed with cancer*. This is a really sobering reality, but the good news is that every year millions of Americans are beating cancer through advancements in treatments.

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John Wayne Cancer Foundation Partners with Summer Sanders

John Wayne Cancer Foundation partners with Olympic champion and melanoma survivor Summer Sanders for its “Block the Blaze” campaign.

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Speedo USA Hosts ‘Splash Bash’ at 2015 Speedo Junior Nationals

On Monday Speedo USA celebrated the 843 athletes who took part in the 2015 Speedo Junior Nationals with Splash Bash, a blowout concert to conclude the five-day competition.

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Summer Sanders Announced as Game Show Host

Another “swammer” is making headlines outside of the pool, as four-time Olympic medalist Summer Sanders is taking on a new…


Debbie Meyer to Be Inducted into Sacramento Hall of Fame on Saturday Night

Three-time Olympic gold medalist Debbie Meyer will be inducted into the Sacramento Sports Hall of Fame on Saturday night, one of…


Golden Globes night gets sporty with Olympic royalty for second annual “Gold Meets Golden” event

Top Hollywood Celebrities will Host Olympic Legends on Sunday, January 12 at the NBC/Universal Golden Globes Party.

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Janet Evans, Summer Sanders to Speak at ESPNW Summit

Janet Evans is speaking at the ESPN-W summit on the subject of “balance.”

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Van Halen Swimming Psych Up Video For ’80s & 90s Swimmers – Dreams of Glory

“The great Matt Biondi headlines this 1980s and 1990s psych up video…”