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Siobhan Marie O’Connor

Le Squadre Europee ISL Già Formate, Aspettando Gli Americani

Le squadre Europee della stagione inaugurale della International Swimming League contano già un ottimo numero di atleti. L’Europa è il…

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Mare Nostrum 2019: Le Presenze Internazionali Confermate A Canet En Roussillon

MARE NOSTRUM 2019 Monaco, 8/9 giungo 2019 Canet-en-Roussillon, 11-12 Giugno 2019 Barcellona, 15-16 Giugno 2019 Sito web Mare Nostrum è Il circuito creato…

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ISL: In Arrivo Aqua Centurions, La Squadra Italiana Con Base A Roma

Dopo l’annuncio della formazione delle squadre con base negli USA, si inizia a delineare la componente atletica della prossima International…

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Mireia Belmonte será parte del equipo de Peaty en la ISL

La campeona olímpica española se une así al equipo London Roar de la ISL, que estará capitaneado por Adam Peaty y contará con todas las grandes estrellas australianas. La acción comenzará este otoño.

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Swimming’s TopTenTweets: Make an Entrance

We’re back with swimming’s TopTenTweets!

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Mundial Hangzhou: Reino Unido solo lleva a 3 nadadores

Reino Unido solo irá al mundial con 3 nadadores: Ben Proud, Georgia Davies y Mark Szaranek.

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World cup Singapur día 3: Sjostrom y Morozov ganan los 150.000$

Sarah Sjostrom y Vladimir Morozov se han proclamado campeones de la copa del mundo 2018 en Singapur. Lili Ibáñez tritura su récord nacional en 100 libre con unos impresionantes 53.19.

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Día 2 World Cup Tokyo: Kromowidjojo, Morozov, Ohashi, de récord

Kromowidjojo superó a Sjostrom como la segunda mujer más rápida de la historia en 50m mariposa. Morozov bate el récord de la Copa del mundo en 100m libre. Yui Ohashi, récord asiático en 400m estilos.

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Avance Copa del mundo de Tokyo: Hosszu y Efimova se acercan a Sjostrom

La Copa del mundo continúa en Tokyo y Katinka Hosszu buscará de nuevo el asalto al trono de Sjostrom. Se incorporan estrellas como Kyle Chalmers, James Guy, Rikke Moller Pedersen y Marco Koch.

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British Swimming Names 54 To Its 2018/19 Performance Program

Check out the 54 athletes named to British Swimmings Performance Program roster for the 2018/19 season.


2018 Euros: Hosszu Drops 200 Back To Battle O’Connor In 200 IM

Hungary’s Katinka Hosszu is going all-in for tonight’s 200 IM final in Glasgow.

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39 British Swimmers Set to Compete at Sette Colli

A 39-strong British squad will be competing in the Stadio del Nuoto in Rome, giving them a final chance to prepare against world class competition before Glasgow 2018 in August.

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2018 Commonwealth Games: Day 4 Finals Live Recap

100 back medalists Taylor Ruck, Kylie Masse and Emily Seebohm will do battle once again in the 200 back final on day 4 of the Commonwealth Games.


Mie Nielsen, Marco Koch Win on Day 2 of Golden Tour Camille-Muffat Sarcelles

Marco Koch of Germany won a largely uncontested 200 breast.

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British Stars Get Final Tune-ups In Edinburgh This Week

James Guy is ready to get some final racing in at this week’s British Championships, including fine-tuning his 200 fly before facing South African foe Chad Le Clos at the Commonwealth Games.