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Shayna Jack

CAS Rules Aussie Shayna Jack’s Ban Ended In July 2021

Although Aussie swimmer Shayna Jack’s 2-year ban was lifted as of July 12 of this year, she has been training under a black cloud due to a pending case.


Australian Women Collect Olympic Gold With 3:29.69 4×100 Freestyle World Record

The Campbell sisters, Meg Harris, and Emma McKeon have collected the nation’s second straight relay gold in world record fashion.


WADA, Sport Integrity Australia’s Shayna Jack Appeal Hearing Set For June

Australia’s Shayna Jack is back in the water but it may be short-lived depending on what happens at her appeal hearings next month.


Shayna Jack Torna In Acqua Dopo La Sospensione Per Doping

Shayna Jack è tornata ad allenarsi dopo la sospensione di due anni ricevuta per essere risultata positiva ad un test antidoping

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Banned Aussie Swimmer Shayna Jack Is Back In The Water

Read the latest concerning Australia’s Shayna Jack, the freestyle ace who is currently under suspension for having tested positive for a banned substance.


NSW District Lawyer Speaks Up In Defense Of Shayna Jack

Support of banned Shayna Jack continues to grow, as another prominent figure has voiced his backing of the Australian sprint star.


USADA’s Travis Tygart Speaks In Defense Of Shayna Jack

USADA CEO Travis Tygart spoke recently to ABC News regarding his stance on the Shanya Jack (AUS) situation, one which resulted in her 2-year ban.


Shayna Jack pide apoyo financiero de cara a su batalla legal

Jack ha recurrido a Instagram para pedir apoyo financiero en su lucha contra Sports Integrity Australia (SIA) y la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA).

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Shayna Jack Asks Supporters For Financial Support Amid Legal Battle

Shayna Jack has taken to Instagram in order to ask her supporters for financial support in her fight against SIA and WADA.


Shayna Jack Le Accuse Infondate Di Doping E I Pensieri Sul Ritiro

Shayna Jack parla delle conseguenze delle accuse di doping e di quanto le sia costato il processo sia in termini economici che morali

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Shayna Jack afirma que su lucha contra el dopaje ya le costó 100.000 dólares

La nadadora australiana, suspendida en 2019, podrá volver a competir en julio, pero no llegará a participar del Selectivo de su país para los Juegos Olímpicos

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Shayna Jack Says Doping Charges Have Cost Her 130,000 Dollars

Australian swimmer Shayna Jack expressed frustration at her ongoing doping saga in an Instagram post on Tuesday evening.


Sport Integrity Australia (anteriormente ASADA) asume el caso de Shayna Jack

El 7 de diciembre Sport Integrity Australia presentó una declaración de apelación en el CAS, solicitando el restablecimiento de la sanción original de 4 años.

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Sport Integrity Australia (Formerly ASADA) Takes On Shayna Jack’s Case

There’s another development in the doping case involving sprinter Shayna Jack, as Sport Integrity Australia has taken on the 22-year-old’s case.


Shayna Jack Points To Blender Or Gym As Possible Contamination Sources

Shayna Jack received a 2-year suspension from CAS earlier this month. Here what she the Aussie to say about her situation.