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Shane Tusup

Katinka Hosszu: “Io e Te Contro Il Mondo”

La Campionessa Olimpica  Katinka Hosszu ed il suo allenatore e marito  Shane Tusup hanno fatto progressi nella loro riconciliazione dopo aver attraversato un periodo difficile…

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Hosszu Testimonia Contro Tusup-Condannato a Scusarsi e Pagare le Spese

Shane Tusup, allenatore  e marito della campionessa olimpica  Katinka Hosszu,  è stato condannato a scusarsi pubblicamente con un ex allenatore del team Iron…

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Tusup Ordered To Apologize After Hosszu Testifies Against His Claim

Shane Tusup, longtime coach and husband of Olympic champ Katinka Hosszu, has been ordered to apologize to a former Iron Aquatics coach and pay his legal fees after Hosszu testified against her husband in court.


FINA World Cup 2018: Eventi in Vasca Lunga e Rimozione Limiti Gare

La FINA in un comunicato stampa ha annunciato che la nuova World Cup 2018 integrerà tappe in vasca lunga ai…

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Long Course Stops, 3-Event Scoring Cap For 2018 FINA World Cup

FINA has announced that its 2018 World Cup series will integrate long course meters stops in with its traditional short course meters format. The tour has dropped from 9 to 7 stops and scoring entries will be limited even further, to just 3 scoring events per swimmer.


KATINKA HOSSZU Tornerà alle Competizioni a MARZO!

Dopo una pausa insolitamente lunga dalle competizioni (secondo i suoi standard), la nuotatrice superstar ungherese  Katinka Hosszu ha dichiarato in un’intervista a…

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Katinka Hosszu will ab März wieder Wettkämpfe schwimmen

Katinka Hosszu war in den letzten Jahren Dauergast beim Euro Meet in Luxemburg, das immer Ende Januar stattfindet, aber auch…

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Hosszu’s Trainer und Ehemann Shane Tusup “will sich ändern”

Katinka Hosszu hat zum sechsten Mal die Ehrung “Ungarische Sportlerin des Jahres erhalten”, zum fünften Mal hintereinander. Gestern Abend fand…

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Tusup ‘Will Work To Change’ As He & Hosszu Arrive At Awards Separately

With their relationship facing a difficult time, Katinka Hosszu and Shane Tusup attended an awards ceremony separately this week, although Tusup acknowledged his behavior in his speech.


Katinka Hosszu und Shane Tusup gestehen Beziehungsprobleme ein

Olympiasiegerin Katinka Hosszu, die von ihrem Ehemann Shane Tusup seit vielen Jahren trainiert wird, hat sich in einem Facebookpost an…

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Hosszu/Tusup Relationship Hits ‘Difficult Time’, Hosszu In Miami

Multi-time world and Olympic champ Katinka Hosszu has hit a ‘difficult time’ with longtime coach and husband Shane Tusup, leading to reports that Hosszu’s training situation could be changing.


Katinka Hosszu/Tusup. La Crisi avrà Ripercussioni sulle prestazioni?

Il matrimonio tra la campionessa olimpica Katinka Hosszu ed il marito/allenatore Shane Tusup sarebbe in dirittura d’arrivo. Il condizionale è d’obbligo…

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Shane Tusup Has Verbal Altercation With Officials At Youth Meet

Shane Tusup, coach and husband to world and Olympic champ Katinka Hosszu, had a profanity-laden verbal outburst directed towards officials at an age group meet in Hungary, local media report.


Hosszu Appeals Lawsuit Vs Barrett, Sports Publications to 9th Circuit

Katinka Hosszu’s defamation and false light case against Casey Barrett and Swimming World is still not considered ‘case closed’ at this point.


Dávid Földházi Returning to Train with Katinka Hosszu

Dávid Földházi has joined the Iron Aquatics PRO team, which features Iron Lady Katinka Hosszu and her husband/head coach Shane Tusup.