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Sergey Fesikov

Relay Analysis: Haughey/Heemskerk Combo Leads Energy Standard To Mixed Free Win

In her first match of the season, Femke Heemskerk was a valuable asset for Energy Standard, producing multiple sub-52 relay legs.

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2020 ISL Match 3 – Day 2 Live Recap

The LA Current holds the lead heading into day 2 of ISL Match 3 with 262.5 points with the debuting Tokyo Frog Kings trailing behind LA by just 14 points.


International Swimming League: Recap Live Giorno 2 Match 3

International Swimming League A Budapest sta per iniziare il Day 2 del Match 3. Il nostro recap live con i risultati e tempi

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International Swimming League: Recap Live Match 3 Day 1

-International Swimming League: A Budapest va in scena il Match 3. In acqua anche le due nuove squadre, i Totonto Titans e Tokyo Frog

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Campionati Assoluti Russi Da Domenica Aprono Le Qualifiche Olimpiche

Campionati in vasca lunga russi prenderanno il via questo fine settimana. La manifestazione vale come qualificazione olimpica

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ISL Depth Charts 2020: Toronto Titans Relying On Backstrokers & Relay Depth

The Toronto Titans have two fast-rising backstrokers in Kylie Masse and Shane Ryan, and they’ll try to parlay that speed into a big year 1 finish.


ISL Stagione 2: Nominati 33 Allenatori Per Le 10 Squadre Partecipanti

ISL Stagione 2: scopriamo chi sono i capi allenatore e gli assistenti allenatori delle 10 squadre che parteciperanno alla seconda stagione

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ISL Toronto Titans: Fesikova Out Due to Injury, Conceicao In

Russian backstroker Anastasia Fesikova has pulled out of her first ISL foray as a Toronto Titan due to a lingering shoulder injury.

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Los Toronto Titans De La ISL Filtran Su Plantilla Inaugural Para 2020

Escasos detalles se han filtrado sobre la segunda temporada de la liga hasta el momento dadas las preocupaciones actuales sobre el COVID-19.

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ISL’s Toronto Titans Leak Roster for Inaugural 2020 Season

World Record holder Anton Chupkov is among the swimmers who are tentatively set for the Toronto Titans’ inaugural ISL roster.


Nazionale Russa In Collegiale, In Quarantena In Attesa Dei Test

La nazionale russa inizia il collegiale di allenamento. I partecipanti sono stati messi in quarantena in attesa dei risultati dei test per il Coronavirus

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Don’t Rush: La Challenge Che Coinvolge I Nuotatori DI Tutto Il Mondo

Don’t Rush di Young T & Bugsey (feat. Headie One) come colonna sonora ed i nuotatori di tutto il mondo si uniscono in una challenge diventata virale

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Anastasia Fesikova Talks China in January as Coronavirus Outbreak Began

Former World Record holder Anastasia Fesikova (above) and husband Sergey have quarantined in the country where they are doing dryland training.

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Matteo Giunta Named Italian Coach of the Year 2019

Matteo Giunta on being named Italian coach of the year and the performance of the Aqua Centurions at the ISL European Derby in London.

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Kameneva, Kostin, Andrusenko Set Russian Records On Day 4 of SC Nationals

It’s been a record spree in Kazan, and three more national records fell on the fourth day of Russia’s Short Course Championships.

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