Is David Popovici The Fastest 50/100/200 Freestyler Ever?
Despite being just 17 years of age, Popovici has already cemented himself as one of the world’s fastest freestyle swimmers across the three distances.
Sarah Sjostrom Is The Queen of Sub-24 Swims In The Women’s 50 Free
Sjostrom has broken the 24-second barrier 17 times in the women’s 50 free, accounting for more than 40 percent of the overall title in swimming history.
Sarah Sjostrom E’ La Donna Con Più Sub 24″ Nei 50 Stile Della Storia
Sarah Sjostrom è la donna che ha infranto più volte la barriera dei 24 secondi nei 50 stile libero nella storia del nuoto, 17 volte.
Anteprime Mondiali: I 100 Stile Femminili Avranno Una Nuova Regina
Anteprime Mondiali: avviciniamoci ai Campionati del Mondo di Budapest dando uno sguardo alle gare con le sfide più emozionanti.
2022 World Champs Previews: Key Absences Leave Women’s 100 Free Up For Grabs
Siobhan Haughey will be the only Tokyo Olympic medalist in the women’s 100 freestyle competing at the 2022 World Championships.
Swimming’s TopTenTweets: Erica Sullivan Has An Idea
We are back with your weekly dose of swimming’s TopTenTweets, where we round up the best of this week’s swimming Twitterverse.
2022 Mare Nostrum Tour Canet – Day 2 Finals Live Recap
The 2022 Mare Nostrum Series concludes today at tour’s final stop in Canet, France, where several swimmers are looking to finish huge weeks atop the podium.
2022 Mare Nostrum Canet – Day 2 Prelims Recap
The sixth and final day of the 2022 Mare Nostrum Series got underway Sunday morning at the tour’s third stop in Canet-en-Roussillon, France.
La Primatista Mondiale Kelsi Dahlia Annuncia Il Ritiro
Kelsi Dahlia, olimpica nel 2016 e detentrice del record mondiale in vasca corta nei 100 metri farfalla, ha annunciato il suo ritiro
World Record Holder And Olympic Gold Medalist Kelsi Dahlia Announces Retirement
Dahlia was arguably America’s best female butterflier from 2017 to 2019, and holds four relay and one individual world record.
Mare Nostrum Tour: Risultati Finali Day 1 Canet En Roussilon
Prima serata di finali a Canet en Russilon per l’ultima tappa del Mare nostrum Tour 2022. Di seguito tutti i podi del pomeriggio.
Mare Nostrum Canet – Day 1 Prelims Recap
The final stop of the Mare Nostrum tour began Saturday morning in Canet, France, where rising stars challenged established Olympians.
Mare Nostrum Tour: Domani E Domenica L’Ultima Tappa A Canet
La terza ed ultima tappa dell’edizione 2022 del Mare Nostrum Tour si svolgerà al Club Canet 66 Natation, che è uno dei club fondatori
Top 5 Women’s Storylines to Watch Ahead of the Mare Nostrum Tour – Canet
The Mare Nostrum Tour will wrap up in Canet this weekend, with key matchups featuring Maggie MacNeil, Sarah Sjostrom, and Penny Oleksiak.
SwimSwam Breakdown: Australian Champs, Mare Nostrum, and Olympic Trials Cuts
Today on the SwimSwam Breakdown, We discussed the Australian championships, the Mare Nostrum stop in Monaco and the 2024 Olympic Trials Cuts