In Arrivo Il Terzo Baby Phelps (E Non E’ Un Pesce D’Aprile)
Con un post su Instagram, Michael Phelps e sua moglie Nicole Phelps hanno annunciato al mondo di essere in attesa del terzo figlio View…
Hosszu, Sjostrom, & TFH Headed To Helsinki
Aussie Thomas Fraser-Holmes is one of over 502 athletes set to descend upon Mäkelänrinne in Finland to contest the 2019 edition of the Helsinki Swim Meet.
Energy Standard: Cosa Ha In Più Il Team Che Punta All’Olimpo Del Nuoto
La squadra che il club Energy Standard sta formando per la International Swimming League raggruppa alcuni dei nuotatori più medagliati…
Emily Seebohm Foregoing Australian Nationals For FINA Champions Series
Aussie Emily Seebohm will be opting out of the Australian National Championships, but is on-board with both the FINA Champions Series, as well as the International Swimming League.
Manaudou vuelve a nadar para integrar el equipo Energy Standard
El francés de 28 años, campeón olímpico de los 50 metros libre en 2012, regresa a la piscina después de un intervalo de dos años, tras dedicarse al handball.
Sjostrom y Le Clos, capitanes del equipo Energy Standard de la ISL
La liga internacional de natación ha anunciado el 4º equipo de su liga: el Energy Standard Club, que tendrá de capitanes a Sarah Sjostrom y Chad Le Clos. El equipo contará con 5 nadadores más de la élite mundial, y además… ¡con el “retirado” Florent Manaudou!, que regresa a la natación para competir en la ISL.
Manaudou Returns To Pool As Member Of Energy Standard
28-year-old Olympic champion Florent Manaudou is back, returning to the pool after an over 2-year hiatus, joining the ranks of the International Swimming League (ISL) Energy Standard squad.
ISL formiert sich weiter: Sjöström, Le Clos als Teamkapitäne benannt
Ein Team der ISL (International Swimming League) ist das Energy Standard Team, für das Femke Heemskerk, Ilya Shymanovich, Danas Rapsys,…
ISL Team Energy Standard Names Sjostrom, Le Clos Captains
On the heels of the International Swimming League’s (ISL) introduction of 5 elite team members comprising Team Energy Standard, the nationally diverse squad revealed its team captains.
Sjostrom and Hosszu Will Race Helsinki Open, Too, on Nordic Swim Tour
Entry Lists for the Helsinki leg of the Nordic Swim Tour have been released. Katinka Hosszu will be at both meets, but with slightly-different entries.
Sjostrom and Hosszu Headline Entry Lists for April’s Stockholm Open
Sarah Sjostrom has 8 entries, including one in the 400 free, at the Stockholm Swim Open: the 3rd meet of the new Nordic Swim Series.
2017 World Championships Race Analysis Lessons Learned
2017 World Championship results are in and the data has been analyzed. See why the winners won and what gave them their edge.
Sarah Sjostrom Alle Giovani: Mangiate, Il Corpo Ha Bisogno Di Benzina
Il nuoto è uno sport che richiede forza, costanza e determinazione. Chi si avvicina all’agonismo durante l’adolescenza conosce bene i…
Gabriele Detti Parteciperà A Due Tappe Della FINA Champions Series
La conferma ci è arrivata direttamente da Stefano Morini, allenatore di Gabriele Detti. Il Campione del mondo in carica degli 800 metri stile…
Sjostrom, Kolesnikov Named 2018 European Swimmers of the Year
Sjostrom won the women’s award for the 2nd-straight year.