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Sarah Kohler

Magdeburg, Germany is the Open Water Capital of the World After Olympic 1-2

Sharon van Rouwendaal (above) and Moesha Johnson represent the Netherlands and Australia, respectively, but they train together in Germany.

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Making the US Olympic Team vs. Making the Podium at the Olympics, a Statistical Review

Hali Flickinger occupies a pretty unique space in American swimming history, threading a needle that nobody else has done in at least 40 years.


Maertens, Wellbrock & Kohler Headline German Lineup For Paris 2024

Lukas Maertens currently owns the top times in the world in both the men’s 200m and 400m freestyle and is headed to Paris 2024.


Schwarz Tops Wellbrock While Gose Turns Heads In 1500 Free At German SC Championships

Olympic open water champion Florian Wellbrock dove in for the men’s 800m free at the 2023 German Short Course Championships.


Anastasia Kirpichnikova Batte Il Record Francese Del 2004 Nei 1500 Stile Libero

Anastasia Kirpichnikova ha stabilito il nuovo record francese nei 1500 stile libero battendo il record della Manaudou di quasi 20 anni fa

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Anastasia Kirpichnikova Slashes Nine Seconds Off 19-Year-Old French SCM Record In 1500 Free

Kirpichnikova clocked 15:33.42 to break the previous record of 15:42.39 established by Laure Manaudou in 2004.

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Who Else Is Missing the 2023 World Championships? A List of Absent Swimmers

Caeleb Dressel is just one of many 2022 World Champions who will not have the opportunity to defend their titles in Fukuoka in a few weeks’ time.


Anteprime Mondiali Di Nuoto 2023: Gli 800 Metri Stile Libero Femminili

Prepariamoci a vivere sette giorni di nuoto di altissimo livello ai Campionati del Mondo di nuoto 2023 conoscendo i protagonisti e le sfide

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Sarah Wellbrock se retira: “Mi cuerpo ya no puede soportar la tensión”

La medallista olímpica de bronce deja el deporte un año antes de los Juegos Olímpicos París 2024 debido a inconvenientes de larga data, según anunció.

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Sarah Wellbrock sagt dem Schwimmsport “Lebewohl”

Sarah Wellbrock, geborene Köhler, hat heute in den sozialen Medien ihren Abschied vom Leistungssport bekannt gegeben. In ihrem Facebookpost schreibt…

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Katie Ledecky Breaks 1500 Free World Record by 10 Seconds; Gets 800 AR En Route

Katie Ledecky broke the 1500 free World Record in her first-ever attempt at the event on Saturday. She very nearly took out the 800 free record on the way.


How Far is Katie Ledecky from SCM World Records?

25-year-old Katie Ledecky is searching for her first SCM world record at her third-ever SCM race this weekend in Toronto.


World Cup Berlin: Isabel Gose und Marius Kusch als Schnellste ins Finale

FINA World Cup Schwimmen und Wasserspringen vom 21. bis 23.10.2022 in Berlin Schwimm- und Sprunghalle im Europasportpark (SSE) World Cup…

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Olympiasieger, Weltmeister aus 57 Nationen testen Form im schnellen Berliner Pool

Die Liste der TOP Stars, die vom 21. bis 23. Oktober in Berlin beim FINA World Cup starten werden, ist…

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FINA World Cup Berlin: Deutsche und internationale Topschwimmer am Start

Topschwimmer aus der ganzen Welt eröffnen vom 21. bis 23. Oktober in Berlin die diesjährige FINA Word Cup Serie. Weitere…

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