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Ryosuke Irie

Rikako Ikee’s Emotional Race Reaction Is Why We Swim (Video)

Leukemia survivor Rikako Ikee’s tears flowed after her first swim back in 594 days. Ikee’s reaction is an emotional reminder of why we swim.


Ryosuke Irie, De 30 Años, Fija La Mirada En París Si Tokio Se Cancela

Irie no es el único deportista de élite que transmitió el hecho de que puede seguir adelante hasta París si Tokio no continúa como estaba planeado para 2021.

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Ryosuke Irie Pronto A Puntare A Parigi 2024 Se Olimpiadi Tokyo Cancellate

Ryosuke Irie Ha dichiarato che se le Olimpiadi di Tokyo venissero cancellate, lui è pronto ad allenarsi altri tre anni per puntare a Parigi 2024

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30-Year-Old Ryosuke Irie Eyes Paris 2024 If Tokyo Olympics Don’t Happen

Says Japan’s premier backstroker Ryosuke Irie, “if the Tokyo Olympics don’t go ahead, I believe that I will go to Paris 2024.”


Tokyo Tourney: Shirai Shakes Things Up, Sunama Tops Irie On Day 1

Japanese swimmers Rio Shirai and Keito Sunama were two big winners on ay 1 of the inaugural Tokyo Special Swimming Tournament.

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Preview: Le Stelle Giapponesi In Gara Nel Fine Settimana a Tokyo

Nel fine settimana si terrà a Tokyo una gara che vede alla partenza molte delle stelle della nazionale giapponese, tra queste il ritorno di Ikee Rikako

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2020 Tokyo Special Swimming Tourney: Ikee Among Ones To Watch

20-year-old leukemia survivor Rikako Ikee is among the top talent set to race at a specially-organized swimming meet this weekend in Tokyo.


Ryosuke Irie Hits 100 Back Mark Of 53.1 In Unofficial Time Trial

30-year-old Ryosuke Irie established a strong 53.10 100 backstroke baseline as he gets back to training with a home-based Olympic Games just over 1 year away.


Ryosuke Irie Nuota 53.1 Nei 100 Dorso In Una Prova A Tempo

Ryosuke Irie è tornato in acqua il 1 Giugno. Oggi insieme ai suoi compagni ha eseguito una prova a cronometro sulla distanza dei 100 metri dorso. 

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SwimSwam Pulse: 46% Pick Men’s 200 Back As Next Super-Suited WR In Danger

Our most recent poll asked SwimSwam readers to pick between five of the tougher remaining world records from the super-suit era.


Top 10 Men’s Swimmers Who Never Won an Olympic Gold Medal

If it weren’t for Michael Phelps, would we be discussing Laszlo Cseh in the conversation as greatest male swimmer of all-time?


Bygones Of 2020 Olympic Trials: Japan Swim Edition

Let’s take a look at the would-have-been-highlights of the 2020 Japan Swim, the nation’s Olympic-qualifying meet that was canclled.


Peirsol, Lochte, Phelps, Grevers, Clary: A Defining Decade of USA’s Backstroke

Peirsol was the king of backstroke from 2001 to 2009, though in 2007 and 2008 Lochte was better at the 200 backstroke, and even pushed Peirsol in the 100.


Konami Open: Daiya Seto 7° All Time 200 Stile, Nei 100 Rana 59.9

Konami Open 2020:Daiya Seto nuota settimo tempo giapponese all time nei 200 stile e per la seconda volta in carriera scende sotto il minuto nei 100 rana

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On-Fire Daiya Seto Becomes Japan’s 7th Fastest 200 Freestyler All-Time

Japanese swimmers showed up big-time on day 1 of the Konami Open, including Daiya Seto pumping out a PB in the 200 free.