Shane Ryan Keeps His Irish Record-Breaking Streak Going In Budapest
Toronto Titan Shane Ryan was breaking records and taking names this weekend while competing in match #3 of the International Swimming League (ISL) season 2.
International Swimming League: Recap Live Giorno 2 Match 3
International Swimming League A Budapest sta per iniziare il Day 2 del Match 3. Il nostro recap live con i risultati e tempi
Skins: LA Current escoge 50 libre (fem) y 50 espalda (masc) en el 3er encuentro
Beryl Gastaldello fue buena en las carreras de ‘skins’ en la temporada 1, pero con la braza elegida en mujeres la semana pasada, no tuvo una oportunidad.
ISL LA Current Scelgono Le Skin Race: 50 Stile Donne E 50 Dorso Uomini
ISL LA Current scelgono lo stile delle due skin race di domani Si gareggerà nei 50 metri stile libero donne e 50 dorso uomini
2020 ISL Match 3 – Day 1 Live Recap
Today LA Current and the Aqua Centurions make their return to the pool, met by the 2 new franchises this year; Toronto Titans and Tokyo Frog Kings.
LA Current Choose Women’s 50 Free, Men’s 50 Back for Match 3 Skins Races
Beryl Gastaldello was really good at ‘Skins’ racing in season 1, but with breaststroke chosen for the women’s race last week, she didn’t get a crack.
International Swimming League: Recap Live Match 3 Day 1
-International Swimming League: A Budapest va in scena il Match 3. In acqua anche le due nuove squadre, i Totonto Titans e Tokyo Frog
Kosuke Hagino Shows 200 IM Improvement At JPN SC C’ships
Olympic champion Kosuke Hagino already made waves yesterday in the 400m IM but tonight he doubled up with an impressive 200 IM performance.
Junya Koga obtiene su primer título japonés tras finalizar su suspensión
El olímpico japonés de 32 años, Junya Koga, cumplió una sanción de 2 años después de haber dado positivo por Ligandrol en marzo de 2018.
Hagino logra su marca más rápida en los 2 últimos años en los 400 estilos
Echa un vistazo a los tiempos rápidos obtenidos por varios miembros de los Tokyo Frog Kings de la ISL en los campeonatos de japoneses de piscina corta.
Junya Koga Takes First Post-Suspension JPN National Title
Junya Koga collected his first post-suspension national title, reaping gold in the men’s 50m back tonight at the 2020 Japan Short Course Championships.
Campionati Giapponesi In Corta: Le Gare Da Non Perdere Questo Week End
I Campionati Giapponesi in vasca corta si svolgeranno sabato 17 e domenica 18 Ottobre al Tatsumi International Swimming Center
Beyond The Lane Lines: Irie Releases Book & Shioura Gets Married
Want to learn the 54 habits Japanese Olympic icon attributes to his success? Read on in this week’s Beyond the Lane Lines.
ISL Rosters: Tokyo Frog Kings Launch With Morozov, Seto
The Tokyo Frog Kings grabbed two of the top male ISL veterans: skin race star Vladimir Morozov from Iron and flyer Daiya Seto from Energy Standard.
La Reacción Emotiva De Rikako Ikee Tras Su Carrera, Razón Por La Que Nadamos
Las lágrimas de la sobreviviente son agradables y su torrente de sentimientos lleva a casa la pasión y el amor que todos tenemos por la natación.