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Ryosuke Irie

Anteprime Parigi 2024: Versatile E Imprevedibile, Ecco La Staffetta 4×100 Mista Mista

Con oltre un milione di combinazioni possibili, questo evento è impossibile da prevedere,ma gli Stati Uniti sembrano essere comunque i favoriti.

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2024 Olympics Previews: Versatility & Volatility the Name of the Game in Mixed Medley Relay

With over a million possible combinations, this event is impossible to predict, but it seems highly likely that the US will use Regan Smith and her recent WR in the 100 back.


The Most Dominant Long Course World Records Heading Into The Paris Olympics

Kristof Milak’s 200 fly marker of 1:50.34 is more than one second faster than the #2 swimmer in history, Michael Phelps.


What Are The Most Likely World Records To Be Broken In Paris? (Men’s Edition)

Which records are most likely to be broken based on seasonal performance? Will the math be right or will there be surprises?


Quali Record Del Mondo Verranno Battuti A Parigi? (Uomini)

Quali sono i record con la maggiore probabilità di essere battuti in base alle prestazioni stagionali? La matematica avrà ragione o ci saranno delle sorprese?

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Olympic Trivia Test: Stats To Know Before They Hit The Water In Paris

Michael Phelps holds several pieces of history in Olympic swimming, including most finals appearances and most gold medals in a single event (and much more).


Anteprime Olimpiadi Parigi: I Grandi 3 Nella Lotta All’Oro Nei 100 Dorso Maschili

Apriamo le nostre anteprime olimpiche con una gara che terrà i tifosi italiani con il fiato sospeso: i 100m dorso maschili

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Making the US Olympic Team vs. Making the Podium at the Olympics, a Statistical Review

Hali Flickinger occupies a pretty unique space in American swimming history, threading a needle that nobody else has done in at least 40 years.


2024 Mare Nostrum Monaco: Day 1 Finals Live Recap

World record holder Kristof Milak is looking to bounce back in his signature 200 butterfly race after suffering his first defeat since 2020 on Thursday.


Additional Japanese Retirement Announcements Since Trials

Additional names have been added to the list of retirement announcements revealed since the 2024 Japanese Olympic Trials.

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The End Of An Era: Japan’s Ryosuke Irie Announces Retirement

34-year-old Olympic medalist Ryosuke Irie has decided to hang up his goggles after a stellar career which spanned nearly 20 years.


Multiple High School Records Fall At Japanese Junior Olympic Cup

Catch up on results from the Japanese Junior Olympic Cup, ripe with budding teen talent on both the men’s and women’s sides.


Annunciata La Squadra Olimpica Del Nuoto Del Giappone Per Parigi 2024

Un totale di 27 nuotatori è stato nominato nella rosa olimpica giapponese, 14 uomini e 13 donne. 13 sono alla prima esperienza olimpica

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Trials Giapponesi Finali Day7: Daiya Seto Si Qualifica Per Le Olimpiadi Nei 200 Misti

Dopo aver mancato la qualificazione nei 400 misti e 200 farfalla, Daiya Seto riesce a centrare l’obiettivo Olimpiadi nei 200 misti

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Ryosuke Irie Non Riesce A Conquistare La Sua Quinta Olimpiade

La leggenda giapponese del dorso Ryosuke Irie non è riuscito a raggiungere l’obiettivo di partecipare alla sua quinta Olimpiade

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