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Ruta Meilutyte

Quasi World Record. I Grandi Nomi Dietro Le Seconde Prestazioni All Time

World Record o quasi. Nella lista dei secondi performer di tutti i tempi ci sono non solo ex nuotatori ormai ritirati, ma anche vere e proprie icone

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Former and Almost-World Record Holders: The Second-Fastest Performers All-Time

The list of 2nd-fastest performers all-time includes many legendary swimmers and former records that were once thought untouchable.


15-Year-Old Benedetta Pilato Busts Out 29.85 50 Breast World Jr Record

While competing on day 1 of the 2020 Sette Colli Trophy, 15-year-old Benedetta Pilato set a new World Junior Record mark of 29.85 in the 50m breast.


Récord mundial junior de Benedetta Pilato y magnífico segundo día en Roma

La nadadora de 15 años supera una histórica marca de Ruta Meilutyte, vigente durante 7 temporadas, y también alcanza el récord absoluto italiano.

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Plymouth Leander’s Training Base To Remain Closed Until April 2021

England’s indoor swimming pools can finally open after having been under lockdown since March 20th, but one notable training base will remain closed.

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Short Course World Record Holder Amaury Leveaux Misses Doping Test

French Olympic gold medalist and short course World record-holder Amaury Leveaux reportedly missed a doping test on Monday.


La FINA Ratifica El WR De Rusia En 4×50 Estilos Mixtos En Piscina Corta

El cuarteto registró un tiempo de 1: 36.22 en el segundo día del Campeonato de Europa en Curso Corto de Glasgow, derribando la marca anterior de 1: 36.40.

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FINA Ratifica Il WR Russo Della 4×50 Mista Mixed

Ratificato il Record del Mondo della 4×50 mista mixed nuotato dalla Russia ai Campionati Europei di Vasca Corta a Glasgow lo scorso dicembre

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Corona D’Alloro: Elena Di Liddo è Dott.ssa Con Lode, Tesi Sul Doping

Elena Di Liddo è Dott.ssa in Scienze delle Attività Motorie con una tesi sul Doping di Stato discussa al pc dal salotto di casa.

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Ruta Meilutyte Was Given a 2-Year Suspension by FINA in July 2019

FINA announced Meilutyte’s suspension this week, even though the hearing was held in July of 2019. Meilutyte announced her retirement in May of 2019.


Meilutyte Chiese A FINA 1 Anno Sospensione Per Gareggiare a Tokyo

Ruta Meilutyte aveva chiesto alla FINA la riduzione ad un anno della sanzione per la violazione del regolamento antidoping per partecipare a Tokyo 2020

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I 10 Momenti Più Belli Del Decennio Nel Mondo Del Nuoto

Il 2019 lascia posto al 2020. E’ tempo di classifiche. Swimswam Italia si è divertita a cercare i 10 momenti più significativi di questa epoca.

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‘True’ World Junior Records In Swimming As of August 2019

We took our best shot at the research, digging through history to find the top junior times in each event, based on FINA’s world junior record criteria.


2019 World Champs Preview: The 50 Breast, Featuring Lilly King & Yulia Efimova

In the sport’s most infamous rivalry, Lilly King and Yulia Efimova will meet in the 50 breast, where both have held the world record and the world title.


14-Yr-Old Pilato Nails Italian Record In 50 Breast, 13th Fastest All-Time

14-year-old Italian swimmer Benedetta Pilato broke her nation’s record in the women’s 50m breast in this morning’s heats of Sette Colli.