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Ruta Meilutyte

2022 FINA World Cup – Indianapolis: Day 2 Finals Live Recap

Siobhan Haughey aims to close out her sweep of the 200 freestyle, but faces tough competition from Katie Ledecky and a quartet of quickly rising teens.


Coppa Del Mondo Indianapolis: Risultati Batterie Day 2

Anche la seconda sessione di batterie di qualifica della terza tappa della Coppa del Mondo FINA si è conclusa. Risultati completi

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2022 FINA World Cup – Indianapolis: Day 2 Prelims Live Recap

After a thrilling finals session last night, today will surely feature more exciting races. 


Coppa Del Mondo FINA: Analisi Finali Primo Giorno Di Indianapolis

Si è conclusa questa notte la prima sessione di finali dell’ultima tappa della Coppa del Mondo FINA 2022. Analisi e risultati

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Ledecky World Record, Texas-UVA, & Peaty’s Motivation | THE SWIMSWAM BREAKDOWN

This week we discuss Katie Ledecky’s 1500 free (SCM) world record, the upcoming Texas-Virginia dual meet, and Adam Peaty’s new-found motivation.


2022 FINA World Cup – Indianapolis: Day 1 Prelims Live Recap

The Indianapolis stop of the FINA World Cup kicks off this morning, marking the final stop of the 2022 World Cup. 


Coppa Del Mondo Indianapolis-Ceccon E Martinenghi In Finale-Batterie Day1

Prende il via questa mattina la tappa di Indianapolis della Coppa del Mondo FINA, ultima tappa del circuito 2022. Recap e analisi

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11 Swimmers Still Hunting For a Triple Crown (and the $10,000 Bonus) In Indy

Beata Nelson is one of three swimmers who has three chances to win a Triple Crown at the final stop of the FINA World Cup in Indianapolis.


WATCH: McIntosh Lowers 400 IM World Junior Record (Toronto Race Videos)

Watch McIntosh’s 400 IM World Junior Record, along with Maggie MacNeil and Shaine Casas’ World Cup Record swims from Toronto.

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WATCH: All The Highlights From The Opening FINA World Cup Stop In Berlin

Ruta Meilutyte’s near world record swim in the women’s 50 breaststroke was one of many highlights at the opening FINA World Cup stop in Berlin.

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Lilly King E’ Tornata A Gareggiare Dopo 8 Settimane Di Pausa Totale

A Toronto Lilly King ha dichiarato di essere tornata a gareggiare dopo essersi presa un periodo di 8 settimane di “reset” completo

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Ruta Meilutyte Al Momento Non Ha In Programma La Partecipazione Ai Mondiali

Ruta Meilutyte al momento non ha intenzione di partecipare ai Mondiali in vasca corta di Melbourne, ci sta ancora pensando.

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Razzetti Argento Nei 400 IM, Ceccon Bronzo Nei 50 Farfalla-Recap Day3

Si è conclusa la tappa di Toronto della World Cup FINA. Razzetti è argento nei 400 IM, mentre Ceccon bronzo nei 50 farfalla. Recap

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Ruta Meilutyte is Not Currently Planning to Compete at SC World Champs

When asked if she was going to short course world champs in Melbourne this December, the breaststroke ace said that currently, she was not planning to attend

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2022 FINA World Cup: Toronto – Day 3 Finals Live Recap

It’s the final session of the Toronto World Cup stop and we’re back on world record watch, this time with Ruta Meilutyte in the women’s 50 breaststroke.