Zhang Yufei Becomes Just 2nd Asian Woman Ever Under 25 Seconds In 50 Fly
Chinese swimmer Zhang Yufei fired off a new national record in the women’s 50m butterfly while competing in the semi-finals.
Daiya Seto Rocks 100 IM, 400 IM, 200 Fly Tough Triple In Tokyo
Daiya Seto took on a tenacious triple of the 100 IM, 400 IM and 200 fly on day 1 of these Japanese Short Course Championships.
Campionato Giapponese In Vasca Corta Nel Fine Settimana-Gli Iscritti
Questo fine settimana si svolgerà il 63° Campionato giapponese di nuoto in vasca corta, unica possibilità di qualificazione per i Mondiali
Daiki Tanaka Manca Il Record Giapponese Nei 100 Farfalla Di 2 Centesimi
Daiki Tanaka Manca Il Record Giapponese Nei 100 Farfalla Di 2 Centesimi durante i Campionati nazionali Studenteschi in Giappone
Tanaka Continues Fly Rampage With 51.13 PB At JPN Student C’ships
Day 3 of the 97th Japan Student Swimming Championships brought the heat in the men’s 100m fly, courtesy of Daiki Tanaka.
Tomoru Honda 1:54.45 200 Farfalla Ai Campionati Studenteschi-Risultati
Nella sessione odierna dei Campionati studenteschi universitari giapponesi è sceso in acqua la medaglia d’argento olimpica Tomoru Honda.
Olympic Silver Medalist Tomoru Honda & Daiki Tanaka Each Post 1:54 LCM 200 Fly
Tomoru Honda and teammate Daiki Tanaka each posted a 200m fly time that would have finished among the top 4 at the 2020 Olympic Games.
Rikako Ikee Reaps Gold On Night 1 Of Japan Student Swimming C’ships
21-year-old leukemia survivor Rikako Ikee got started here on night 1 at the Tatsumi International Swimming Center, taking 50m free gold.
Campionati Studenteschi Giapponesi: Iscritti Ikee Rikako E Shoma Sato
La 97esima edizione dei campionati giapponesi studenteschi di nuoto prenderà il via giovedì di questa settimana. Gli iscritti
Ikee & Sato Head To Japan Student Swimming C’ships Later This Week
The Japan Student Swimming Championships are set to get underway this week, with Olympians ready to represent their schools in pursuit of the team trophy.
Watch Rikako Ikee Throw Out First Pitch At Japanese Baseball Game
Rikako Ikee continues to make the most out of life since recovering from leukemia, most recently throwing out the first pitch at a domestic baseball game.
Ikee Rikako Torna A Nuotare I 200 Stile Libero In Una Gara In Giappone
La giapponese due volte olimpica e sopravvissuta alla leucemia Rikako Ikee è tornata in competizione in un evento nazionale questa settimana.
Rikako Ikee nada los 200 libre por 2da vez desde su vuelta a la competición
La superviviente de leucemia y dos veces olímpica Rikako Ikee, de Japón, volvió a competir en un evento nacional esta semana.
Rikako Ikee Races 200 Freestyle For 2nd Time Since Return To Competition
Leukemia survivor and two-time Olympian Rikako Ikee raced at a domestic meet this week, winning the women’s 200m freestyle event.
Reviewing Our “8 Swimming Storylines To Watch At The Tokyo Olympic Games”
Caeleb Dressel did not disappoint as he won five gold medals and set two world records at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.