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Ricky Berens

View Ricky Berens's Biography

“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” -- Taras Brown

2013 FINA World Championships Day 6 Finals Real-Time Recaps

Before the events began Australian Cate Campbell was asked if this race felt like revenge after missing the 2012 individual event at the Olympics due to illness, she corrected the interviewer, not revenge, motivation…. (Photo Credit Victor Puig,


US Report Day 6: Mind Over Matter, Ryan Lochte Can Still Do It All

At the 2013 FINA World Championships in Barcelona, Lochte is giving all of his doubters a mouthful to swallow. Following his impressive 200 Individual Medley on Day 5, Lochte faced a formidable schedule on Day 6, and did not fail to deliver. (Photo Credit: Victor Puig,


Men’s 4×200 Free Relay World Championships – Post Race Interview

Lochte split a 1:44 on the 4×200 freestyle relay to help Team USA to a 2013 Worlds gold medal. (Photo Credit: Tim Bining, theswimpictures)


Ricky Berens Gets 4th Spot in 800 Free Relay Final

Ricky Berens will get the nod, and will get it in a big way, as he anchors the American 800 free relay. (Photo: Tim Binning/


USA Report Day 5: Feigen’s Silver Special, for Several Reasons

Jimmy Feigen’s silver medal in the men’s 100 free was the second-straight Eddie-Reese-special at the World Championships. (Photo: Victor Puig/


DA Franklin Removes Stitches From Mrs. Berens’ Finger: What National Team Parents Do Before Meets

Dick Franklin (Missy’s dad) smiles for the camera as his wife (and doctor), DA Franklin, removes stitches from Leslie Berens’ (Ricky’s mom) hand at the 2013 FINA World Championships in Barcelona, Spain. (Photo Credit; Trevor Freeland, Swimmer, VA Alum, part-time swimming analyst, full-time swim fan)


While You Were Sleeping: World Championships Day 1 Finals Preview

The Americans looked great in prelims, but Nathan Adrian needs to be focused in his Barcelona debut to hold of Russia and Australia. (File Photo: Tim Binning/


Ervin Splits 47.3 on US Worlds Men’s 4×100 Relay Prelim, The Web Buzzes, The Debate Continues

“Ervin dropped a 47.38 on the men’s 4×100 free relay. Ervin flew 2nd on the prelim US Team relay after Jimmy Feigen’s leadoff (48.39). Berens was 3rd off the blocks splitting an impressive 47.56, and Conor Dwyer anchored in 48.36…” (Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures)


2013 Team USA Pre World Championships Photo Vault

Ricky Berens’ back and evidence of an octopus attack? (Images courtesy of the 2013 US Worlds Team and Jess, our faithful web curator!)


US World Team Vine Videos, Directed by Ricky Berens

Ricky Berens goes behind the scene on the road to Barcelona via Vine! (Thanks to Jess for providing these links.)


US World Championship Team on Twitter: The Complete List

We put together all of the links you need to follow the US World Championship Team on Twitter


Tide Swim Team Breaks 15-18 NAG Record (But Not 17-18)

Nathaniel Dacruz, Austin Temple, Harrison Pierce, and Austin Ryan, 24-hours later, have been confirmed as the 15-18 National Age Group Record holders in the 200 medley relay. (Photo: Josh Fulton)


The US World Championship Team Chooses Captains

Veteran swimmers, Dana Vollmer, Natalie Coughlin, Ricky Berens, and Matt Grevers will lead the World Championship Team of 42 in Barcelona. (Photo Credit: Tim Binning, TheSwimPictures)


Ricky Berens Through the Lens of Eve and Candace

Eve and Candace are the world’s #1 swim vloggers on all things swim-fan related. They report lifestyle swim news from many of the major U.S. competitions. The video above was produced from the 2013 U.S. World Championship Trials in Indy. (Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures)

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Barcelona Bound: The 2013 World Championship Roster

Finally, here is your official World Championship roster! (Photo Credit: Tim Binning, TheSwimPictures)