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Race Club

Why RPM Matters in Swimming

In the sprinters’ world, RPM matters. When a swimmer goes from hip-driven to shoulder-driven, he basically changes the technique of using his hand (and arm) from an airplane wing and paddle to using it as a propeller.


How to Avoid the ‘Modern Toilet Seat’ Syndrome, Backstroke/Freestlye

I call this the ‘modern toilet seat’ syndrome, because in swimming freestyle and backstroke, the hand slows down just like a modern toilet seat with a spring on it to keep it from falling down hard.

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How to do 6 Kick 3 Stroke Backstroke Drill

Practice the six kick, three stroke backstroke drill and you will see a big improvement in your backstroke speed.


Win With Dolphin Kick, The 5th Stroke

Coach Eddie Reese dedicates sets in each practice to improving the dolphin kick. It is no wonder that Texas had 6 out of 8 finalists in the men’s 100 yard fly at the NCAA Division 1 Championships this year.


Why the Late Breath in Butterfly is Better

Two of the fastest butterflyers in the world today, Joseph Schooling of Singapore and Chad Le Clos of South Africa, have a delayed front breath, though they achieve it in slightly different ways.


Freestyle Drill Video: 6 Power Kicks, 1 Stroke

“6 Kicks 1 Stroke” drill is one of the most transformative freestyle drills you can do!

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How to do the Backstroke Spin Drill

The backstroke spin drill is one of the most effective ways of teaching swimmers to accelerate the straight arms quickly through the recovery phase of the stroke cycle.

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The Freestyle Flip Turn: What you need to know

Over the next several weeks, I will break down the flip turn into four components: the approach, the flip, the underwater and the breakout. Each of these components is important and I commonly see mistakes made in all four of them, often by the same swimmer.


Master the Dynamics of Dolphin Kick – The Vortex

Behind every swimmer moving forward is a vortex of water (wake) created by the separation of the water moving along the body (as the body moves forward).


How to Build Stronger Freestyle Kick Mechanics

To build a better freestyle or flutter kick, one must first understand where the propulsive power of the kick is derived and how to balance the two opposing forces of propulsion and frontal drag, in order to maximize the kicking speed.


Freestyle Video: How to Pull Underwater

Watch 4 time Olympian Roland Schoeman, World Champion Junya Koga and Elite Marathon swimmer, Lexie Kelly led by Coach Gary Hall take it back to the basics allowing the swimmer to feel ‘drag forces’ that may often go unoticed.


Why Dolphin Kick Matters in Backstroke

Dolphin kick backstroke is one of the best ways to learn how to develop a fast stroke rate.


The Art of Breathing in Swimming

While swimming, breathing is not that simple. The questions ‘How often do we breathe?’ ‘Where do we breathe?’ or even ‘How do we breathe?’ are legitimate ones. The answers are not that obvious, either.


Why you need to perfect your backstroke kick

Junya and Olympic champion Roland Schoemann demonstrate two important dryland exercises that help increase the flexibility of the ankle.

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Why the Breaststroke Kick Speed Drill Matters

Having great speed in breaststroke kick is one of the techniques that led Olympian Rebecca Soni to gold medals in the Beijing and London Olympics.