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Pernille Blume

Manaudou Sceglie Di Allenarsi Marsiglia Le Cause “Pandemia E Politica”

Florent Manaudou sceglie Marsiglia per prepararsi alle Olimpiadi. Le cause sono le difficoltà di viaggio e la politica. Con lui anche Blume

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Pandemic and Politics Narrow Manaudou’s Tokyo 2020 Training to Marseille

Manaudou had planned to train for Tokyo with Energy Standard head coach James Gibson in Turkey, but politics and pandemic travel difficulties changed that.


Florent Manaudou se queda en Marsella y cambia de entrenador

Tras su desvinculación de Energy Standard y su despedida del británico James Gibson, el campeón olímpico de 2012 vuelve a su país.

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La campeona olímpica Pernille Blume sufre una lesión leve en la muñeca

La campeona olímpica de Río 2016, Pernille Blume, ha sufrido una lesión leve en la muñeca, según una historia de Instagram que publicó el 26 de diciembre.

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La Campionessa Olimpica Pernille Blume Si E’ Infortuna Al Polso

La campionessa olimpica di Rio 2016 Pernille Blume ha subito un lieve infortunio al polso, secondo quanto pubblicato su Instagram

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2020 Swammy Awards: Top 10 Swims of the Year

Though we did not get NCAAs, U.S. Olympic Trials, or the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games we were still fortunate to see some blazing fast swims in 2020.


Olympic Champion Pernille Blume Suffers Minor Wrist Injury

The reigning Olympic champion in the 50m freestyle has suffered a minor wrist injury but says it hasn’t kept her out of the water

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Pernille Blume encabeza las listas para el campeonato danés dividido por género

El campeonato danés en piscina corta de 2020 está previsto para comenzar el lunes 14 de diciembre, extendiéndose a lo largo de ocho días.

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Pernille Blume Headed To Gender-Split Danish SC C’ships

The 2020 Danish SC Championships are slated to kickoff on Monday, December 14th, with some unique coronavirus-related impacts felt for the 8-day competition.

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Relay Analysis: Manaudou, Sjostrom Lead Energy Standard To Mixed Free Victory

Sarah Sjostrom’s 51.01 split was crucial in Energy Standard defeating the Cali Condors in the mixed 400 freestyle relay.


2020 ISL Grand Final – Day 2 Live Recap

The Cali Condor’s Caeleb Dressel broke 2 World Records on day 1 of the ISL Grand Final, and he has 3 more opportunities on Sunday.


Dressel Takes on Four Individuals and the Relay: ISL Final Day 2 Start Lists

It’s going to be a long afternoon for Caeleb Dressel as the Condor takes on 4 individual races, including skins, and the mixed freestyle relay.


Finale ISL 2020: Chi Vincerà? Risultati E Recap Live

Risultati e Recap Live della finale ISL 2020 alla Duna Arena di Budapest, chi vincerà il campionato tra Energy Standard e Cali Condors?

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2020 ISL Final – Day 1 Live Recap

Caeleb Dressel will try to follow-up on his stellar semi-final performances with another big point haul here to help his Condors edge out defending ENS.


Finale International Swimming League Recap E Risultati Live Day 1

Finale International Swimming League stagione 2 Cali Condors, Energy Standard, London Roar, LA Current si sfidano per il titolo

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