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Oliver Morgan

Campionati Britannici: Imogen Clark Protagonista Nelle Batterie Day1

I Campionati britannici di nuoto 2023 sono iniziati oggi a Sheffield e i nuotatori sono in lizza per un posto nella lista dei Campionati mondiali.

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2023 British Championships Day One Prelims Recap

Olympian Freya Anderson leads the women’s 200m freestyle field after the first heats session of the 2023 British Swimming Championships.


Edimburgo: Adam Peaty Vince I 100 Rana, Analisi E Risultati Day 2

Il 2023 Edinburgh International Swim Meet è proseguito alla Royal Commonwealth Pool con il 28enne campione olimpico Adam Peaty

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Peaty Earns 100 Breaststroke Win In Edinburgh But Not In A Time You’d Expect

28-year-old Adam Peaty scored the victory tonight in the men’s 100m breaststroke at the 2023 Edinburgh International Swim Meet.


Campionati BUCS: Ottimi Crono Per Catie DeLoof E Katie Shanahan-Recap Day3

I Campionati Britannici Universitari e dei Collegi (BUCS) 2023 si sono conclusi a Ponds Forge. I risultati e l’analisi del terzo giorno

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Catie DeLoof Logs Third Fastest 100 Free Of Her Career On Final Night Of BUCS

American Catie DeLoof represented Loughborough once again at BUCS, putting up the third-fastest 100m freestyle performance of her career.


Catie DeLoof Captures Double Gold On BUCS Night Two

Former University of Michigan Wolverine Catie DeLoof now represents Loughborough and made some major noise tonight at the BUCS LC Championships.