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Molly Renshaw

Peaty logra la 2ª mejor marca mundial de la temporada en 50 braza

Peaty remató su 58.82 de la noche anterior con un 26.75 anoche en los 50 braza, más de un segundo por delante del segundo clasificado James Wilby (27.79).

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Peaty Hits World #2 50 Breast, Wood Shaves Big Time in 200 Free in Manchester

Peaty clocked a 26.75 in the 50 breast, while Wood downed her old best by almost two seconds in the 200 free, going 1:57.96 to win it tonight.


Adam Peaty vence en Manchester con 58.82 en 100 braza

El resultado de Peaty arrasó el campo, cuyo siguiente competidor más cercano fue James Wilby, quien tocó la pared en 1:00.15.

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Molly Renshaw iguala el récord británico en 200 braza

Compitiendo en la primera jornada del Manchester International Swim Meet 2021, Molly Renshaw alcanzó el récord nacional británico en los 200 braza femenino.

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Renshaw Matches British Record In 200 Breast

While competing on day 1 of the 2021 Manchester International Swim Meet, Molly Renshaw hit the British national record in the women’s 200m breaststroke.


Swimming’s TopTenTweets: A Tweet That Can Cause You Pain Just By Reading It

We’re back with swimming’s TopTenTweets presented by Arena, where we round up the best of the swimming Twitterverse.


Renshaw Produces British Record In 100 Breaststroke

Add Molly Renshaw to the list of record breakers on day 2 of the ISL semifinal #1, as the 24-year-old hit a new British 100 breast mark.

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2020 ISL Match 6 – Day 2 Live Recap

Fresh off winning the 50 freestyle on day one, Florent Manaudou will race the men’s 100 IM and the free skins on day two of Match 6.


Debut auspicioso de Julia Sebastian en la ISL, cerca del récord sudamericano

La nadadora argentina demostró estar a la altura de la Liga con una muy buena marca en los 200 pecho, además de sumar sus primeros puntos para LA Current.

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NY Breakers Roster Drops 6 Australians, Adds 7 New Names

The New York Breakers have an updated roster – as expected, six Australian team members no longer appear, with seven new European swimmers now listed.


British Swimming Indica Gli Atleti Autorizzati Ad Allenarsi, In Teoria

British Swimming ha specificato i requisiti per gli atleti d’elite e le sedi di allenamento per riprendere secondo le nuove linee guida anti covid19

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British Swimming Identifies Athletes Able To Return To Training, In Theory

British Swimming’s Performance Leadership Group (PLG) is in the process of developing an ‘Elite Sport Return to Training Guidance (ESRTTG)’ plan.

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Jessica Vall: “me planteaba ser mamá en 2021, pero de momento pasará a 2022”

La campeona de Europa ha hablado abiertamente sobre el confinamiento, los momentos buenos y difíciles de su carrera, y sobre sus planes de futuro.

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Bygones of 2020 Olympic Trials: British Swimming Championships Edition

Check out the storylines were were set to follow at the now-cancelled 2020 British Swimming Championships (Olympic Trials).


Edimburgo: Duncan Scott 48.49 Nei 100 Stile, Peaty 26.8 In Batteria

Risultati di rilievo a Edimburgo dove le stelle del Regno Unito si sono messe in mostra. Duncan Scott 48.49 nei 100,bene anche Freya Anderson e Tom Dean.

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