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Mike Barrowman

Lessons From Legends – Olympic Champion Mike Barrowman

“One of the great competitors in the last 25 years of swimming is Mike Barrowman, a 200 breaststroker.”


Lessons From Legends: Swimming Traditions

Most swimmers of high school and college age participate in the tradition of shaving down at the end of a season, perhaps getting a special hair cut, making posters and maybe eating a traditional pre-race meal.

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Van Halen Swimming Psych Up Video For ’80s & 90s Swimmers – Dreams of Glory

“The great Matt Biondi headlines this 1980s and 1990s psych up video…”


Lessons from Legends: Under The Shade of a Freeway

“People say they love the music they grow up with, especially through their transitional years of high school and college.”


What steps did you take to make the Olympic Team? Olympian Roque Santos’ story.

Dear Katrina, What steps did you take to make the Olympic Team? Every Olympian has their own story. Here is…