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Michele Santucci

Il Nutrizionista Guido Porcellini Inibito Per Trent’Anni.

A cura di Jared Anderson Puoi leggere l’articolo in lingua inglese qui Il nutrizionista italiano  Guido Porcellini  è stato bandito per…

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Retired Former World Champion Filippo Magnini Facing Possible 8 Yr Ban

Former world champion swimmer Filippo Magnini may have retired last year from the sport of swimming, but the 36-year-old is still under investigation by Italy’s National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) for his connection to a nutritionist involved in a Pesaro criminal probe.

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Filippo Magnini: La Procura NADO Chiede Otto Anni Di Deferimento

Il Procuratore Capo della Procura Nado Italia, dott. Pierfilippo Laviani ha chiesto la sanzione di otto anni di deferimento per…

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Magnini & Santucci Questioned By Italian Anti-Doping Authorities

Former world champion Filippo Magnini and fellow Italian swimmer Michele Santucci were questioned today by Italy’s anti-doping authorities.


Doping-Giornata di audizioni in Procura NADO per Magnini e Santucci

Nelle scorse settimane avevamo chiarito la posizione di due Campioni Azzurri, coinvolti nell’inchiesta  (clicca qui per leggere l’articolo completo) della Procura…

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Filippo Magnini e Presunto Doping: Facciamo Chiarezza

Nelle ultime ore si è allargata a macchia d’olio la notizia dell’iscrizione dei campioni Filippo Magnini e Michele Santucci nel…

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Former World Champion Filippo Magnini Part Of Italian Doping Probe

Elite Italian swimmers Filippo Magnini and Michele Santucci are reportedly under investigation by the Italian National Doping Organization (NADO).


Michael Andrew Ends TVN Meet with One More Record

American Michael Andrew closed out the International Meet Tiro A Volo Nutoto (TVN Meet) with a win the 50 backstroke and breaking a meet record in the 100 breaststroke…


Italian Swimmers Dotto, Orsi Among Those Headed To Auburn For Training Camp

Luca Dotto is on an Italian squad headed to Auburn for speed camp leading up to the Pro Swim Series – Charlotte.


Italians Make Two Last-Minute Additions to Worlds Lineups

Italy has added two swimmers to their World Championship roster at the 11th hour. (Photo of Pizzini courtesy: Italian Swimming)

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Picks: Phelps Holds the Key to American 400 Free Relay

Michael Phelps will have to be the Americans’ silver bullet if they want to clip the Aussies. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


Cracking the Shanghai Relays: Men's 400 Free

With all of the predicting done, we’ve still got almost a week before the actual swimming begins in Shanghai. In that…