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Matteo Rivolta

Szabo, Santos, and Rivolta Set Up for 50 Fly World Record Showdown on Sunday

With their teams out of contention, Szebasztian Szabo (white cap), Matteo Rivolta (black cap), and Nicholas Santos are free to go all-in on the 50 fly final.

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ISL 3: Match 6 Playoff Live, Aquacenturions In Testa Per L’ultimo Match Di Fede

Ultimo match di playoff ISL season 3. In testa a metà gara Aquacenturions davanti a Cali. Segui i risultati e il recap live

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Aqua Centurions Primi, Toronto Fuori Dalla Finale. Punti Salienti Day1

Aqua Centurions primi in classifica e Toronto Titans fuori dalla finale.I punti salienti e gli spunti di riflessione del day 1

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Toronto’s Season Finale Reveals the Rigidity of the Original ISL Formula

For the 3rd-straight season, the same 4 teams will race in the ISL Finale, and it is no coincidence: they’re the 4 teams from 2018’s pre-ISL Energy for Swim.


Matteo Rivolta Smashes His Own Italian Record, Almost Gets Euro Mark

For the 2nd time in 2 meets, the 30-year old Matteo Rivolta has broken the Italian Record in the 100 fly in short course meters.


Matteo Rivolta Record Italiano 100 Metri Farfalla 48.64

Matteo Rivolta ha abbassato il record italiano nei 100 metri farfalla maschili durante il match 6 dei playoff ISL portandolo a 48.64

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2021 ISL Playoffs Match 6, Day 1: Live Recap

The final match of the 2021 ISL playoffs is here. If Toronto can upset the Condors they advance to the Final next weekend. If not, their season will end.


ISL 3 Ultimo Match Playoff: Day 1 Recap Con Centurions, Titans, Condors E Iron

E’ l’ultimo match di questi Playoff ISL a Eindhoven 3 squadre sono già qualificate mentre questo match definirà il nome della 4° finalista

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2021 ISL Playoffs Match 6: Everything is On the Line for the Toronto Titans

Match 6 of the 2021 ISL Playoffs is life or death for the Toronto Titans. There is only one way the Toronto Titans advance: defeat the Cali Condors.


Pedoja, Antonelli E Burlina Finalisti Del Premio “Allenatore Dell’Anno”

I tre allenatori finalisti del premio “allenatore dell’anno” 2021 sono Marco Giovanni Pedoja, Fabrizio Antonelli e Alberto Burlina

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2021 ISL Playoffs: Match 3, Day 2 Live Recap

Energy Standard developed a 62-point lead over the Toronto Titans after the first day of competition and is seeking their 5th match victory of the season.


ISL 3: Playoff Match 14 Recap E Risultati Live Day 2 Aqua A Caccia Di Titans

Match 14 Day 2 a Enindhoven per I playoff di International Swimming League, oggi in gara Aquacenturions, Toronto Titans, ES e DC Trident

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Aqua Centurions In Lotta Per Il Secondo Posto Nel Day 1 Match 14

Gli Aqua Centurions hanno offerto spettacolo nel day 1 del match 14 lottando per il secondo posto fino all’ultima staffetta.

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ISL Playoffs – Match 3: Scrappy Centurions In The Battle For Second With Titans

Aqua Centurion Nicolo Martinenghi had a big win in the men’s 50 breast as the club finds itself right in the thick of things with Toronto for second place.


Matteo Rivolta Puts Up 49.05 100 Fly Italian Record, #5 Performer All Time

While competing in Playoff Match #3, Italian Matteo Rivolta put up a big-time swim in the men’s 100m fly en route to capturing the top spot of the field.

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