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Martina Carraro

Benedetta Pilato Record Italiano 100 Rana. Prima Donna Sub 1:04

Benedetta Pilato stabilisce il record italiano nei 100 metri rana femminili in vasca corta prima donna della storia sotto il minuto e 4

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ISL Depth Charts 2020: Aqua Centurions Build Around Star Breaststrokers

The Aqua Centurions are strong in both men’s and wome’s breaststroke, and should be a force if the skin race goes in that direction.

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ISL 2020: Szabo se une a los Aqua Centurions como refuerzo en la velocidad

Buena parte de los máximos anotadores de Aqua Centurions regresa. Lo más notable es su fuerte dúo masculino de braza de Nicolo Martinenghi y Fabio Scozzoli.

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ISL Season 2: Full Rosters Revealed For All 10 Teams

The International Swimming League website has announced full rosters for all ten teams in the league’s second season of competition.


ISL Rosters: Aqua Centurions Add Szabo In Sprint Reloading For Season 2

The Aqua Centurions added Szebaztian Szabo, Marcelo Chierighini, and Pedro Spajari in an effort to beef up its sprint group.

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International Swimming League: I 10 Team Rivelano Tutti I Loro Componenti

La International Swimming League, a margine della conferenza stampa di questo pomeriggio, ha pubblicato la lista completa delle squadre della II stagione

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ISL All-Time Best Swims For Season One (Women’s Events)

A collection of the Top 10 fastest swims in each event from the 1st season of the ISL -We’ve broken it up into women’s swims here; men’s article linked within


Trofeo Settecolli: Le Immagini Più Belle Dell’Edizione 2020

Trofeo Settecolli: Le immagini più belle dell’edizione 2020 scattate dai fotografi Scala Staccioli e Masini dell’agenzia fotografica italiana Deepbluemedia

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Best Images from the 2020 Settecolli Trophy (PHOTO VAULT)

2020 Settecolli Trophy ended in Rome, Italy. We’ve collected the most beautiful image of the event courtesy of the Italian agency Deepbluemedia

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2020 Sette Colli Trophy: Day 3 Finals Live Recap

We’re entering the final day of competition at this 2020 Sette Colli, which has been one thrilling string of races here in Rome.


Trofeo Settecolli: De Tullio Vola Nei 200 Stile-I Risultati Del Day3

Marco De Tullio vola nei 200 stile, Ceccon in gran forma. I risultati dell’ultimo giorno del Trofeo Settecolli – Campionato Italiano Assoluto

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Trofeo Settecolli/Campionato Assoluto: Le Stelle Dell’Ultimo Giorno

Il Campionato Italiano Assoluto – Trofeo Settecolli giunge stasera alla sua conclusione. La nostra anteprima sulle stelle del Day 3

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Récord mundial junior de Benedetta Pilato y magnífico segundo día en Roma

La nadadora de 15 años supera una histórica marca de Ruta Meilutyte, vigente durante 7 temporadas, y también alcanza el récord absoluto italiano.

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2020 Sette Colli Trophy: Day 2 Finals Live Recap

Italy’s 200 fly ace Federico Burdisso will be in the water on day 2 of this year’s Sette Colli Trophy, which doubles as the national championships.


Benedetta Pilato Record Del Mondo Junior-Record Italiano 50Ra 29.85

Benedetta Pilato scrive un’altra pagina di storia del nuoto. Con il tempo di 29.85 stabilisce il nuovo Record del Mondo Juniores, Record Italiano Assoluto

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