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Kyle Chalmers

Flynn Southam, 15 años, bate el récord de edad de Chalmers en 100 libre: 49.65

Agreguen a Southam, 15 años, a la lista de estrellas emergentes, ya que acaba de superar a un nuevo grupo de edad nacional australiano en los 100 libre.

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15-Year-Old Southam Drops 1 Second In 50 Free For 22.91 Aussie Age Record

15-year-old Flynn Southam already made his presence known big-time at these 2020 Queensland Championships but did it again tonight.

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Winnington Scores 3:43 400 Free Lifetime Best At 2020 QLD C’ships

Get an in-depth perspective on all the incredible swims that went down today in Brisbane at the 2020 Queensland Championships.


Southam Breaks Chalmers’ 100 Free Age Record – 49.65 At Age 15

Kyle Chalmers has held the Australian age record in the 100m freestyle for 15-year-olds since 2014 but a new teen has now entered the sprinting scene.


Los australianos ponen rumbo al Campeonato de Queensland 2020

Es de destacar que el día 1, 12 de diciembre, se compone únicamente de relevos, mientras que los días 5-8 son eventos no abiertos.

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Stacked Field Of Aussies Head To 2020 Queensland C’ships

We saw Kaylee McKeown throw down a SCM World Record last month. Let’s see what the teen is ready to do at these LCM Queensland C’ships.


Campionati Australiani: I Risultati Della Prima Sessione, McKeon 51.17

Risultati della prima sessione di gare ai Campionati Australiani di vasca corta svolti in 5 sedi diverse della nazione a causa della pandemia

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McKeon Trounces Stacked 100 Free Field At Virtual Aussie C’ships

Griffith’s Emma McKeon made her mark in a big way already at these Virtual Australian Championships, topping a stacked women’s 100m free field in style.


Kyle Chalmers Operato Per La Terza Volta Dal 2016 “Tornerò Presto”

Kyle Chalmers si è sottoposto al terzo intervento chirurgico in tre anni. Questa volta alla spalla ed ha detto che tornerà presto

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Basically Every Aussie Is Racing This Week At Virtual C’Ships

With the wealth of talent ready to rumble down under, we’ll be treated to some high-octane matchups to carry us over from the thrilling ISL final.


Kyle Chalmers Smiles From Hospital Bed After Latest Surgery

Australian Olympic champion Kyle Chalmers has undergone surgery now less than 250 days away from the postponed Tokyo Olympic Games.


El medallista olímpico Pieter Timmers confirma su retiro de la natación

El nadador belga, subcampeón olímpico de los 100 metros libre en Río 2016, dio detalles de su decisión en conferencia de prensa.

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L’Argento Olimpico Dei 100 Stile Pieter Timmers Si Ritira

L’argento olimpico Pieter Timmers al termine della regular season ISL con i NY Breakers ha annunciato il suo ritiro dal nuoto agonistico.

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Andrei Minakov bate el récord del mundo junior de Chalmers en 100 libre

Con un tiempo de 47,57 Andrei Minakov se ha convertido en el adolescente más rápido de la historia y en el 16º más rápido a nivel absoluto.

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Watch Andrei Minakov’s 47.57 100 Free World Junior Record

18-year-old Andrei Minakov of Russia took down Australian Olympic champion Kyle Chalmers’ World Junior Record in the men’s 100m freestyle.