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Klete Keller

Klete Keller Si Dichiara Colpevole Di Parte Delle Accuse

Klete Keller si è dichiarato colpevole di una parte dei capi di accusa relativi all’assalto del Campidoglio degli Stati Uniti

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Klete Keller Pleads Guilty to Felony Charge In Connection With Capitol Riot

The American Olympic medalist in swimming pleaded guilty to obstruction of an official proceeding as part of a plea deal.


Former U.S. National Team Director Mark Schubert Announces Retirement

Schubert served on eight Olympic coaching staffs, won three NCAA team titles and was USA Swimming’s National Team Director from 2006 until 2010.


Klete Keller Prepared To Take Plea Deal For Jan. 6 Capitol Charges

Keller’s defense lawyer said he’s “prepared to go forward” with a plea agreement, though there are issues relating to him being unvaccinated.


MacFarlane: Klete Keller, Prosecutors Close to Plea Deal for Jan. 6 Involvement

A reporter in Washington, D.C. says that prosecutors have made a plea deal with Klete Keller and that they expect him to accept.


Klete Keller Discussing Plea Deal In Capitol Riot Charges

U.S. Olympian Klete Keller and the U.S. Department of Justice are discussing a plea bargain for Keller’s role in the January 6 riot at the Capitol.


Klete Keller Si Dichiara Non Colpevole Tornerà In Aula Il 6 Aprile

Il nuotatore olimpico Klete Keller si è dichiarato non colpevole di tutte le sette accuse per l’assalto al Campidoglio del 6 Gennaio

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Grand Jury Indicts Olympian Klete Keller on 7 Charges Related to Capitol Riots

Klete Keller has been charged with four additional counts including obstruction of an official proceeding, and aiding and abetting.


Klete Keller se arrepiente ante su exentrenador

Ahora, Keller corre el riesgo de 15 años y medio de prisión si es declarado culpable de los tres cargos a los que se enfrenta.

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Klete Keller Si Consegna Alla Polizia E Si Scusa Con Il Suo Ex Allenatore

Klete Keller si è consegnato alla polizia che lo ha rilasciato con restrizioni sui movimenti. Si è scusato con il suo ex allenatore

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NYT: Klete Keller Apologizes to Former Coach

Klete Keller has not spoken to media since showing up in the US Capitol on January 6, but he reached out to others within swimming over the last week.


Klete Keller se entrega tras ser imputado por el motín del Capitolio

Keller fue liberado sin derecho a fianza con la condición de que no regrese a Washington D.C. antes de la toma de posesión presidencial el 21 de enero.

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Klete Keller Turns Himself in to Authorities for Capitol Riot Charges

One day after he was charged for his involvement in the U.S. Capitol riot, Klete Keller turned himself into authorities and was released without bail.


Klete Keller, imputado oficialmente por el Tribunal de los Estados Unidos

Keller es acusado de entrar y permanecer con conocimiento en un edificio restringido así como de conducta desordenada y obstrucción a la aplicación de la ley.

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Klete Keller Incriminato Ufficialmente Dal Tribunale Degli Stati Uniti

Klete Keller è stato incriminato dall tribunale distrettuale degli Stati Uniti dopo essere stato identificato nella rivolta a Capitol Hill

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