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Kiah Melverton

2019 US Open Championships: Day 2 Finals Live Recap

American record-holder Simone Manuel is top seed in the women’s 50 free on Day 2 at 2019 U.S. Open Championships.


US Open: Katie Ledecky 8:14.59 Negli 800 – Sarà Impegnata In 7 Gare

US Open iniziati ieri ad Atlanta. Il meeting, detto anche Winter Nationals è l’ultima grande competizione a stelle e strisce prima dei Trials Olimpici.

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2019 US Open Championships: Night 1 Timed Finals Recap

The 2019 U.S. Open kicks off with the women’s and men’s 800 freestyles Wednesday night in Atlanta, GA at the McAuley Aquatic Center.


Quadarella E Caramignoli Prime Al Mondo Negli 800 Stile

Quadarella e Caramignoli hanno nuotato Nico Sapio il primo e secondo tempo al mondo in questa stagione negli 800 stile femminili.

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17-Year-Old Peiniger Takes 200 IM, Becomes 6th Fastest Aussie Ever

17-year-old Gabriella Peiniger continued her impressive swimming at Aussie SC Championships, taking the women’s 200m IM national title.


Schooling Snags Win #2 At Aussie Short Course Championships

Joseph Schooling came within tenths of the Singaporean national record in the 200m IM in the morning and followed up with 50 fly gold at night in Melbourne.


Aussie Age Group Standout Hauck Wins First Senior Title, Horton Places 10th

The 2019 Australian Short Course Championships kicked off in Melbourne today, with 16-year-old Thomas Hauck nailing his first-ever senior national title.


L’Australia Inserisce La Skin Race Modello ISL Nel Campionato Assoluto

In Australia inizieranno domani i Campionati Nazionali in vasca corta. Nel Campionato sono state inserite due skin race, una maschile ed una femminile

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ISL-Type Skins Events Bleed Over To Aussie SC Championships

Olympic champion Mack Horton is ready to race at the 2019 Australian Short Course Championships and his events will include a rapid-fire sprint onslaught.

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Schooling Heads To Horton Country To Race At Aussie SC C’ships

Singapore’s Joseph Schooling is entered in the Australian Short Course Championships taking place the weekend of October 24th.


Mireia Belmonte, Mejor Marca Desde 2017 En 400 Estilos Tras Gwangju

La campeona olímpica Mireia Belmonte, que no lo tuvo fácil en el mundial, ha respondido en la Copa Mundial con su mejor marca en 400 Ei en los 2 últimos años.

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Campbell Clocks 52.64 1Free, Rapsys 1:45.74 2Free To Close Out Tokyo

Cate Campbell notched a quick 52.64 time to take the World Cup – Tokyo title in the women’s 100m free to close out the first stop.


Tokyo: Federica Pellegrini Bronzo 100Do, Martinenghi Sfiora Il Personale 50Ra

Tokyo: Federica Pellegrini conquista la medaglia di bronzo nei 100 metri dorso. Nicolò Martinenghi argento nei 50 rana, dove sfiora il suo personal best

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World Cup: In Evidenza Danas Rapsys,Schoenmaker E Shymanovich. I Risultati

World Cup Tokyo: Nel primo giorno della Fina World Cup in evidenza Danas Rapsys, Tatjana Schoenmaker e Ilya Shymanovich. Tutti i risultati

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Fina World Cup 2019: A Tokyo In Gara Pellegrini, Martinenghi E Condorelli

FINA World Cup 2019: Nella prima tappa che si svolgerà a Tokyo ci saranno in gara Federica Pellegrini, Nicolò Martinenghi e Santo Condorelli

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